Statement on Verdict in Chauvin Case

To the ECS Community, 

As many of you are aware, Derek Chauvin was found guilty of the murder of George Floyd by a Minnesota jury Tuesday evening. While this verdict is a significant step in ensuring accountability, we must continue our work as a community to end police brutality, systemic racism, and discrimination of our BIPOC community. 

Almost a year after the events that took Mr. Floyd’s life, this verdict occurred on the heels of several more unacceptable tragedies, and we recognize that these wounds continue to have an impact on our students, families, and greater community. Today, many of us let out a collective sigh of relief that the appropriate action was taken, but we acknowledge the miles we still have to go to dismantle the systemic racism that is deeply rooted in our nation. 

In the coming days, many of us will experience varying emotions. Be kind, listen, help each other, and remember to take care of yourself. As conversations continue to grow around this verdict, please consider reviewing NASP’s Guidance for Ensuring Student Well-Being in the Context of the Chauvin Trial. While this information is aimed to assist educators, we believe the resource is universal and may provide support for those with children or young adults at home. Students who are in need of support are encouraged to reach out to their school counselor or social worker, and if you are in need of additional resources or support, please do not hesitate to reach out

ECS remains committed to its mission, vision, and anti-racism journey and will continue to stand in solidarity while having the difficult conversations that drive change for future generations. Our work is only just beginning, and it is our expectation that today’s youth will experience justice, equity, and protection as we pave the way to end systemic injustices. 


Jon McCann