About Us
The Environmental Charter School District (ECS) is nestled in Pittsburgh’s east end community and is a tuition-free, public K–12 charter school. ECS combines academic rigor with an innovative multi-disciplinary, “out-the-door” learning approach based on eco-literacy and rooted in real-world problems that build active, engaged, and empathetic citizens. Naturally, ECS has a strong connection to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and is committed to being a responsible, sustainable, and anti-racist organization.
4 Campuses
Students from 42 Zip Codes
230 Extraordinary & Dedicated Staff
150 Minutes of Recess a Week
2100 Outdoor Experiences
43 Partner Organizations
“As the world changes and becomes increasingly more complex, global citizens will need to be equipped with skills that allow them to be flexible thinkers, creative problem solvers, and effective leaders.”
-ECS Founding Principal, Jon McCann
Our Mission
The mission of ECS is to educate each student to high academic standards using innovative curricula that will foster knowledge, love of, and respect for the environment and preserve it for future generations. We grow citizens.
Our Vision
Every ECS graduate will be an actively engaged citizen driving thoughtful change in the world around them.
Our Story
The Environmental Charter School (ECS) began as a group of inspired parents and community leaders and bloomed into its current state. Today, ECS has more than 1000 students, employs 200 staff members across four buildings, and functions as a K–12 school district.
Our Commitments
ECS faculty and staff are committed to growing an active, engaged, and thoughtful citizenry by providing multi-disciplinary content that supports social growth, critical thinking, and analysis that cross-cuts subjects and focuses on real-world problems through:
ECS combines academic rigor with a multi-disciplinary, “out-the-door” learning approach rooted in real world problems. Students get outside, study places and spaces in the City of Pittsburgh, and connect content to the community.
ECS supports an inclusion model, in a way that promotes equity for all. ECS welcomes and accommodates students who need special education or gifted services, and tailors instruction to meet individual needs. There are two teachers in most classrooms (averaging 11:1 student-to-faculty ratio), allowing students to get targeted support and enrichment.
ECS serves the whole child -- keeping them healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. ECS teachers and staff are caring, engaged, and innovative, and they model the behavior we expect from our students. They are activists, leaders, and compassionate members of our community. Students “loop” with our teachers to build connection and consistency.
ECS Values Partnerships
ECS builds partnerships to grow our education impact internally, while also supporting the diverse fabric of organizations available in the city. Community connections and regional networks extend our educational opportunities for students and encourage our student body to recognize the vibrancy of our city. A list of many of our partners is below.
A small group of inspired parents & community leaders planted the seeds of the Environmental Charter School in 2007 in Pitsburgh, Pa.