“An average day at the ECS kindergarten might include a picture walk with a book, tearing apart an old toaster to learn what makes it work, or learning a song that teaches the days of the week.”

Headshot of primary school principal smiling

–Primary School Principal, Ashley Bergman

Academic Blocks

  • Environmental literacy is a place to explore the connections between social studies and science, and many authentic learning experiences emerge throughout our time together. Topics of inquiry include communities, the sun and moon, and the connections between humans and animals and their habitats.

  • Literacy builds phonemic awareness, phonics skills, writing stamina, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. During this block of time, students are engaged in Reading, Writing and Phonics Workshops, auditory phonemic awareness exercises, read-alouds, shared reads, and small group instruction.

  • The ECS Math Program follows the focus and coherence of the PA Core Standards and uses Eureka Math as a curricular resource. The progression of math ideas is presented in “A Story of Units,” where modules are sequenced to follow the story of mathematics; the story’s main character is the basic building block of arithmetic or the unit.

  • My Excellence Time is a time each day dedicated to intensely practicing Math and Literacy skills students have been learning. The groups are differentiated based on our Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) data. Students split into spaces all across our building and the activities are geared to support or enrich students based on their individual needs.

    • Thinking Lab

    • Music

    • Physical Education

    • Discovery

Photo of two primary school students working together at a table

"I like ECS because we get to spend a lot of time outside. Everything we do, like reading and math, has to do with the environment around us. Every Wednesday, we go to our garden and cook what we find in our kitchen and eat it for lunch."

- ECS Second Grade Student

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Our School

Picture of two female primary school students outside with their arms around each other smiling

Located on S. Braddock Ave. in the old Park Place Building, the ECS Primary is home to our kindergarten through second graders. Complete with a garden, outdoor learning spaces, a black top, and a playground, the Primary School is in close proximity to Frick Park and supports the idea of learning through play and outdoor education.

    • Out-the-Door Education

    • Looping

    • Team Teaching

    • Specialized Teaching

    • Differentiated Instruction

  • Arrival: 8–8:20 a.m.

    Dismissal: 3:20–3:50 p.m.

    Half Day Dismissal: 11:20 a.m.

    • 1 School Counselor

    • 1 Social Worker

    • 1 School Nurse

    • 2 Administrators

    • 2 School Psychologists (K–12)

    • 1 Director of Special Education (K–12)

Picture of the primary school building from a street view.


309 South Braddock

Pittsburgh, PA 15221

Phone: 412-247-7970 x1400

Fax: 412-567-6186

Current Primary News

Four primary school students standing outside together smiling at the camera.