ECS News and Media
ECS is dedicated to providing students, staff, parents, and community partners with timely, accurate, and relevant information via various communication methods.
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Press Releases
Media Contact: Deana Callipare, Director of Communication
Email: deana.callipare@ecspgh.org or media@ecspgh.org

March Cultural Celebration | Re-Enrollment | Flu and Student Services Resources | PCO Game Night | ECS Talent Show and more!
We CAN Update | Feb. Cultural Celebration | Re-Enrollment | Student Career Day | Kid’s Heart Health Challenge | Game Night | GreenRoots Fair
Career Day Volunteers Needed | Enrollment Deadline Approaching | BikeECS Advocacy Efforts | Jan. Cultural Celebration
ECHS Principal Listening Sessions | Dec. Cultural Celebrations | Digital Harmony | Hawk Basketball Schedule
Parent/Guardian Listening Sessions | Election Resources | Nov. Harvest Celebration | Digital Harmony Event
Sibling Preference | National Bullying Prevention Month | Special Education Community Opportunities | Digital Harmony: Crafting a Healthy Digital Environment