ECS 🦅 March 2025 News

Dr. Patrick Dowd


Dear ECS Families,

This past week, we saw the snow melting and warmer temperatures move into our area. While out-the-door education occurs at ECS all year long, students will experience an increase in getting outdoors into the world. For students in grades K to 5, adventures in Frick Park will become more prevalent. In grades 6 to 12, out-the-door education might look like urban hikes and community partner collaborations.

This shift in weather is significant for our ECSers, and not just because they can get outdoors more. Spring is a time of growth and development, Earth celebrations, and coming together as a community. In the coming weeks and months ahead, students will participate in service projects, showcase what they have learned throughout the school year, and attend annual events such as the GreenRoots Sustainability Fairs, instrumental concerts, and dances. It is certainly a right of passage for many of our students as they experience a number of firsts: prom, talent shows, move-up ceremonies, graduation, and more. 

Thank you for allowing ECS to be a part of this journey with you and your student. It is an honor to educate and provide a holistic academic experience that provides students with hands-on, real-world experiences. 

ECS. We Grow Citizens. 

Patrick Dowd


What’s New at ECS?

March Cultural Celebration Lunch

On Friday, March 21st, ECS will serve the following cultural celebration meal in recognition of Irish cultures:

Important Re-Enrollment Dates for 2025
Mark your calendars! Re-Enrollment for Grades 5–11 opens on Monday, March 17, 2025. Complete your students’ re-enrollment for the 25–26 school year! When re-enrollment is available in SchoolMint, you will receive an email notification. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Enrollment Department at

The Flu: A Guide for Parents
Flu season is certainly here. Students must be fever-free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before coming back to school. Please review this resource…

ECS We CAN Update
Our 2nd graders have saved more than 41,000 cans from going to a landfill, and ECS is excited to announce that along with its PPG sponsorship, the Pittsburgh Penguins are joining the cause! There is a little less than 2 months left in the 2 million can collection competition. Keep up the great work and keep bringing in your cans!

Alma Tip of the Month
You can add, delete, and edit emergency contacts on your students' profiles in Alma. Once logged into Alma, click on your profile circle (circle with your initials in it in the top, righthand corner).  Click on "My Info."  For each of your students, you will see an "Emergency Contacts" box.  Even if you have the same emergency contact for all of your students, you will need to update/add each one individually.

Upcoming Events

Kid’s Heart Challenge at Intermediate during March

Intermediate School students will participate in the American Heart Association’s Kid’s Heart Challenge during the first two weeks of March with an assembly on March 3 kicking off activities. Learn more…

Save the Date: K to 5 PCO Game Night–March 14
Join the PCO & ECS for a game night infused with fun math games. This Title 1 event will have a game raffle, refreshments, pie sale, and fun for the whole family. Tickets are limited, so be sure to sign up today!

Attend BikePGH’s Free Virtual Event
Attend BikePGH’s FREE Virtual Event to Learn how to Start a Bike Bus in Your School Community, in Pittsburgh, and beyond. Learn more…

Save the Date:  How to Coach Children Through Big Emotions: Helping Kids Navigate Feelings with Confidence - Wednesday, April 2

Join ECS and Elizabeth Reitz, PhD Licensed Clinical Psychologist and owner of Strong Foundations Psychological Associates,  on Wednesday, April 2 at 6 p.m. at the Intermediate School for an engaging and insightful session designed for parents and caregivers who want to support their children in understanding and managing big emotions. Learn more and RSVP by Tuesday, April 1…

Save the Date: ECS Talent Show - Friday, April 4

Do you have a special talent? Share it with the ECS community at the Friday, April 4 District Wide Talent Show. Hosted by ECHS, all ECS students, staff, and families are invited to participate in the first ever district wide talent show on Friday, April 4 at the Middle School. All proceeds from the event will benefit the senior trip to Washington D.C. Keep an eye out for audition and RSVP information arriving in your inbox this week!

Save the Date: GreenRoots Fair

The GreenRoots Fair is returning to ECS in May 2025. This year’s theme, Our Power, Our Planet, will connect the ECS community to climate action and Earth Day Initiatives. Save the date for your grade level’s GreenRoots Fair and join us for a fun-filled night of games, music, and more with community partners.

  • Friday, May 9: K–5 GreenRoots Fair

  • Friday, May 16: 6–12 GreenRoots Fair

Save the Date: High School Graduation 2025

Save the Date: ECSCares
The 3rd Annual ECSCares Day will take place on Thursday, June 12 from 9 to 11 a.m. Participation in ECSCares Day will count toward students’ attendance for the day. ECS looks forward to announcing its community partners and service locations next month.

Hawks Out of School

ECS Athletics Winter Recap & Spring Sneak Peek
ECS’s winter athletic season featured basketball, cheerleading, and futsal. Learn more about the season, and take a sneak peek at the Spring offerings including track and field, flag foot, kick ball, and more. Learn more…

Spring Clubs Registration - March 3
K to 8 Spring Clubs Registration will open tomorrow, Monday, March 3rd and close on Friday, March 14. Summer camp registration is ongoing. Learn more…


Pittsburgh Public Theater's Shakespeare Finalist and Honorable Mentions
Congratulations to 4th grader, Pressley, who was a finalist for the Pittsburgh Public Theater's Shakespeare Showcase! She competed against 4 other top monologues in the Lower Division on Monday, Feb. 24. Several ECS students were named to the Honorable Mentionslist. Congratulations to all participants!

PCO News

March 14 PCO Meeting at Noon

Join the meeting

Student Services News

Resources from the Special Education Dept. 

ECS’s Special Education team compiled a list of upcoming events and resources that might interest families. Please note that the information listed below is not affiliated with ECS. 

In Case You Missed It

Help ECS 2nd Graders reach their goal of recycling 100,000 cans for the Million Cans Recycling Contest from Oct. 2024 to April 2025. Students will earn $1 for the Primary school for every 58 cans they collect. Funds will support ECS Primary’s environmental literacy out-the-door education opportunities. With the money raised, Primary students will go on trips to the zoo, farms, the Frick Park Environmental Center, and more.

Here's how you can help:

  • Save aluminum cans.

  • Do not crush them.

  • Arrange for drop off at your building’s designated can drop-off location.

    • ECS encourages and prefers adults to drop off aluminum cans.

    • If a student plans to transport aluminum cans themselves, they are not permitted to bring alcoholic cans.

  • Building can drop-off locations are as follows:

    • Primary School: The can bin in the back parking lot.

    • Intermediate School: A can bin is located in the front vestibule of the school.

    • Middle School: A can bin is located in the front vestibule of the school.

    • High School: A can bin is located in the lobby.

  • Spread the word using the ECS We CAN toolkit.

  • If your business is interested in contributing to the ECS We CAN project, please complete this form.

The ECS We CAN Project is sponsored by PPG.

Complete the Excuse Form When Your Student is Absent
An excuse must be turned in within 3 days of the absence or it will be marked unexcused. You can submit an excuse in any of the following ways: 

  • Complete your building’s form 

  • Email your child's teacher or school office manager 

  • Call the school office manager 

  • Submit a note from you or a physician

Get Your Clearances, Get Involved!
With many classroom celebrations coming up, please ensure your clearances are submitted through Raptor, ECS’s School Safety Software, to volunteer in any of our schools. ECS cannot accept paper copies. Learn how to volunteer and what clearances are needed.

Half-Day Dismissal Times
Students will be dismissed at the following times on half days:

  • Primary School: 11:20 a.m.

  • Intermediate School: 11:20 a.m.

  • Middle School: 11:40 a.m.

  • High School: 11:38 a.m.

2024–2025 Calendar
View this school year’s calendar and subscribe to the online public calendar.