Seeking Input from ECS Stakeholders Reminder

Greetings Friends,

After a very productive session with some members of the ECS community including parents, staff, and our leadership team, I wanted to share a last call for participation in our ECS feedback session designed to gather feedback around our safe return to in-person instruction and around other short and long-term investments we can make to support our students' success.

If you are interested in attending the next session on Friday, May 14 from 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. please pre-register so we can assign you to a small discussion group.

Please also find attached a copy of the discussion slides used during each session. If you are not able to attend a session but still want your feedback recorded, you may respond to the same discussion prompts from this session in the following feedback form.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions. We thank you for your engagement!

Dr. James Doyle

Dr. James Doyle, COOEmail: Phone: x318

Dr. James Doyle, COO

Phone: x318