May 11 High School Newsletter

Announcements from Dr. Virginia Hill.

Dr. Virginia Hill, High School Principal

Phone: x576

May 18 Parent Conferences (Not Student-Led Conferences)

I think I must have said this a thousand times, this year has been a challenge! Ahead of our student-led conferences, we would like to give families an opportunity to see the big picture of how the school year has progressed for their students. On Tuesday, May 18 we will hold this time sacred for speaking with parents about student performance. During this time you will receive a snapshot of how your student has performed this school year, as well as classes the student may need to focus on for student-led conferences and/or credit recovery. Sign-up for a conference with your student’s crew leader hereTo be respectful of your time, if you have already had a conference with Ms. Bereschak or Ms. Adams it is not necessary to schedule a conference with your student’s crew leader.  THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ON MAY !8 DUE TO  PARENT CONFERENCES. Students should work on 4th quarter assignments and prepare for the June student-led conferences. 

HAC Access for Progress Reports
Progress Reports will be available on Wednesday, May 19th. via the Home Access Center (HAC). You should have received an email at the beginning of the school year with instructions on how to access HAC and your username and password. If you do not know your HAC login credentials or need any assistance accessing HAC, please send a request to our Help Desk.


To get access to HAC, go to and change the district to "Environmental Charter School Live." To view progress reports, click on the "Grades" box and then the "IPR" tab.

Our annual Spring Keystone Exam administration will take place May 24–27. On Monday, May 24 and Tuesday, May 25 all in-person students will report to the school to take the Biology Assessment. On Wednesday, May 26 and Thursday, May 27, all virtual students will report to the school to take the Biology Assessment. Virtual students will have CLAW Days on Monday, May 24 and Tuesday, May 25. In-person students will have CLAW Days on Wednesday, May 26 and Thursday, May 27. Please review the following Parent Information Letter for more information.

End of the School Year Important Dates

May 10–14: Student-led portfolio assembled in Crew/classes

May 17–21: Feedback for portfolios and practice presentations in Crew. Schedule times with students and guardians/parents

May 18: Parent Conferences - Look out for information from your student’s Crew Leader: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

May 19: In-person students return to the building

May 24–28: Keystone Exams (In-person students test in Mon-Tues & Virtual students test Wed-Thurs)

June 1–4: Finalize student-led portfolios

June 10–11: Student-led conference 

(Thursday June 10, 2021 10 a.m.–6 p.m. & Friday June 11, 2021 9 a.m.–3 p.m.)

June 14–18: Students will have an opportunity to present again if they did not meet expectations

June 18: Last Day of School (½ day)

Summer Reading, Free Book Boxes

Students must get their summer reading book box orders in by Friday, May 14th. We have 250 orders, which means just one-third of eligible ECS students have ordered a box!

Free books! Delivered right to your doorstep.

Hikes with Miss Amy - sign up here!

  • Friday, May 14, 3:00 - 4:00 @ Seldom Seen Greenway. An adventurous hike exploring what was once the small village of Seldom Seem. There will be steep climbs, inactive train tracks, and a view of the parkway west at the Fort Pitt tunnels!

  • Friday, May 21, 3:00 - 4:00 @ Southside Park. Amidst the steps and tall homes is a woodsy green space that has been under restoration. Let's check it out!

Soccer Clinic, May 21 @ Mellon Field still has slots open for the 11 - 15 age group!

A Note From the Industrial Arts Workshop Executive Director, Tim KaulenI am the founder and Executive Director of the Industrial Arts Workshop (IAW), a Pittsburgh-based non-profit focused on teaching youth how to weld, engage with their communities, and open doors to welding careers and the welding trade. Perhaps more commonly known as Sophia Kaulen's dad!  We are ramping up to host ten high school kids at the IAW summer welding Bootcamp. Please feel free to share this with any student that you feel would be a strong participant in our art program. Please see the attached application and the online link as well:

I would be happy to answer any questions or share our work via zoom with any interested faculty or students.