A Message from Dr. James Doyle: Black Lives Have Always Mattered

To My ECS Friends,

I have been operating this week in a fog.  A fog of anger, frustration, confusion, and sheer exhaustion with another Black person needlessly killed at the hands of a police officer. As I add the name Daunte Wright to the unacceptably long list of names I will never forget, names of individuals who all had their lives cut short, I come to the realization that I Am Tired. I Am Tired of needing to manage the trauma that our students and staff are facing in light of systemic injustices against Black and Brown people. I Am Tired of needing to control and contain decades of my own painful thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to these injustices. And finally, I Am Tired of needing to remind, to push, to exclaim that Black lives do, always have, and always will matter. But, despite this exhaustion, I, we, will persevere.

At ECS, our perseverance remains grounded in our responsibility to dismantle systems of oppression through the education and support provided to students, staff, families, and the greater community. We all must do more to end this cycle of systemic racism...it takes the actions of each and every one of us to create a world that includes protection and civil rights for Black lives. 

As we all are experiencing, living, seeing, and hearing these injustices unfold daily, I recognize the immense amount of fatigue and painful emotion that you all continue to bear due to the lack of reform and accountability as well. In support of your young people, Common Sense Media offers valuable guidelines (based on age) for Explaining the News to Our Kids. Here are additional resources to consider when speaking with your child or young adolescent at home.

Please also know that I am here as a listener, a supporter, an advocate, and a friend as we walk this journey together. We all at ECS are dedicated to providing a space and the support needed to express any feelings you or your student may be experiencing. Know that your child can also connect with their teacher or school counselor anytime by simply requesting a meeting. We invite and encourage you to reach out any time if you are in need of additional resources, support, or partnership.

In solidarity,

Dr. James Doyle