Primary School Aug. Newsletter (21–22)

Dear ECS Primary Families,

Welcome Back!  

We want to wish all of our new and returning families a warm welcome back to the building for the 2021–2022 school year.  The clouds are starting to lift and we are so excited to see our amazing students back in their classrooms.  We are overjoyed to think that smiles and laughter will once again fill our Primary School Building! 

At the ECS Primary School, we are a family and truly believe that we are all in this academic journey together.  We work hard, play hard, and take care of each other.  We want each child and family to feel connected to each other and ECS.  We know that it takes a village to support the growth and development of every child.  Open lines of communication are essential for our village to be successful, so please never hesitate to reach out to a teacher or principal; we are always here to collaborate.  When we are all working together, we can support all of our children to be empowered, independent learners that can change the world!

Our annual Meet & Greet is on August 16 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Students and families are welcome to visit our classrooms, find their names, discover their spaces, see their cubbies, talk with friends and teachers, find their former teachers, and tour the building and grounds. Since there will be no formal presentations, please come when you are available and enjoy this flexible, social time with the ECS Primary Family. We are so excited to see everyone in person!  We are planning to have all staff located on the backlot, and you are welcome to take a self-guided tour of the building. If the weather takes a turn for the worst, we will have staff inside their classrooms and limit the number of families in each classroom.

As the world continues to navigate through this pandemic, our goal is to help ensure that everyone in our building is feeling safe and healthy. At the Meet & Greet on August 16, if you or your child are feeling under the weather, we respectfully ask that you stay home and take care of your health. We are asking that all adults and children wear a mask and socially distance themselves for the health and safety of our ECS Primary Family.

We hope that your little one returns to school with excitement that we will continue to foster throughout the year by creating unique learning experiences that spark delight and wonder.  We look forward to another year of learning with all of you.


Ashley Bergman

Primary School Principal

Kelly Stanton

Primary School Assistant Principal

Ashley Bergman
Primary School Principal


Phone: x401