Optional Masking Effective Monday, March 21

Dear ECS Families,

On Wednesday, March 16, the ECS Board of Trustees voted unanimously (12–0 with 3 members not in attendance) to approve optional masking in all ECS buildings regardless of vaccination status effective Monday, March 21 to align with current CDC guidelines based on COVID-19 Community Levels. Please view the new version of the ESSERs Health and Safety Plan here or on the COVID-19 Dashboard and Information page.

Given this update, ECS has made modifications to its Quarantine and Isolation procedures, and based on CDC guidance, there are scenarios where masking is still required including on buses whose home school district still requires masking. While there are several nuances to those specific situations, ECS created a “When Should I Mask?” flowchart to help you follow procedures and ensure the safety of our community. ECS will follow recommendations from the Allegheny County Health Department regarding future mitigation strategies. Other mitigation protocols include:

  • Masks will remain available at each building for any individuals who would like one.

  • HEPA filters continue to run in every room.

  • Individuals will abide by proper social distancing procedures.

  • More than 70% of the ECS student population are vaccinated.

While this is certainly an exciting step towards normalcy, ECS understands that many may have concerns and anxieties regarding this change, and the right to mask is a personal decision that should be acknowledged with sincere empathy and compassion by all ECS stakeholders. The science has shown us that wearing a well-fitted mask is highly effective in reducing the risk of the wearer contracting COVID-19 or any other respiratory virus even if others around the individual are not masked. Individuals are encouraged to make the best decision for their health, well-being, and family, and we ask that those choices be highly respected. It is also important to remember that everyone has the right to wear a mask wherever they please.

With that being said, any bullying or hostilities towards any individual because of their masking choice will not be tolerated at ECS. Teachers will review masking talking points with students during morning meetings, but at home, please feel free to review the materials below to help talk to your student about masking:

Thank you for your continued flexibility, understanding, and awareness of others as we take a new step in this pandemic journey. Please reach out if you have any questions.


Dr. James Doyle

Chief Operating Officer

Dr. James Doyle

Email: james.doyle@ecspgh.org

Phone: x318