Provide Anonymous Optional Masking Feedback

Dear ECS Friends,

In my March 3rd communication regarding changes to COVID-19 procedures, I highly encouraged all stakeholders to sign up to speak at the March 16 Board meeting as a vote to update the approved ECS Health and Safety Plan to include optional masking for all students and staff will be on the meeting’s agenda.

I recognize the sensitivity of this topic and that not everyone may feel comfortable speaking at the board meeting. With that being said, everyone’s voice is important and should have an opportunity to provide feedback. If you would like to provide your opinion anonymously, please fill out the form below by Monday, March 14.

Complete the Optional Masking Feedback Form

Please note that this form is for anyone who wishes to remain anonymous but still have their feedback heard by the ECS Board of Trustees. Individuals may also still sign up to speak at the board meeting to share feedback directly.

Thank you for your continued support as we work to provide a space and platform for all voices to be heard while we enact these changes.


Dr. James Doyle

Chief Operating Officer

Dr. James Doyle


Phone: x318