Student Column: Quest Labs and Earth Month
By Diezel Marvin, 10th-Grade Student
Hi, I’m Diezel Marvin, and I am a 10th grader at ECHS. April was full of QUESTS! We went from planting trees to fishing, and much more. The highlight for me was trying to catch geese (no geese were harmed). On Earth Day, our entire school walked around and picked up litter throughout Morningside. We found bottles, shopping carts, and even a baby pool. It was exhausting, we got pretty dirty, but we definitely made it look a bit cleaner than it was before. It was fun to get on the bus and see the city and get out of the classroom for a change. I hope we get to do more field trips and community projects in the future.
Diezel Marvin, 10th grade
Student Column Writer