Safety Reminder and Summer Updates

Dear ECS Families,

As our community continues to mourn the terrible tragedy in Uvalde, Texas two weeks ago, we are reminded about the critical importance of our system-wide safety protocols and procedures.  We continue to ensure that all of our safety and security protocols are in place and being followed by all staff and students. As a reminder again, exterior doors are locked at all times, and propping them open, even for a short amount of time, is never acceptable. The chart below is a summary of parent/guardian reminders on school safety protocols and how we communicate during these types of situations:

Over the summer, our school safety and security committee will be meeting to evaluate all of our safety procedures and recommend any updates/enhancements to ensure the continued security of all of our campuses.  Please reach out to me directly if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued support,

Dr. Mandy Cribbs
Superintendent and Safety and Security Officer

Mandy Cribbs


Phone: x557