Middle School June Newsletter (21–22)

Hey there, Middle School!

To our current 6th and 7th grade families, I look forward to seeing you in the fall. To our current 8th grade families, I will miss you greatly but wish the best of luck to you and your student as you embark on your high school adventure.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer.

Until next time,

Dr. Robinson

What's new at Middle School?

PRT Busses for High School
ECS is dedicated to transitioning its 8th-grade students from riding traditional yellow school buses to Pittsburgh Regional Transit bussing for their high school years. Learn how to get a Connect Card and more…

Make a Splash at Summer Reading Extravaganza!
Join the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh for a family-friendly outdoor festival celebrating Summer Reading on Sunday, June 12 from 12–5 p.m. Learn more and sign up for summer reading…

In Case You Missed It

Students participated in a Pride Parade to spread awareness and empowerment. Check out the photos in the hawk highlights section.

Last Month’s Hawk Highlights

Dr. Jaleah Robinson
Middle School Principal

Email: jaleah.robinson@ecspgh.org

Phone: x559

Important Dates this Month

June 16th - HALF DAY