Primary School October Newsletter (22–23)

Dear Primary School Families, 

Fall is a magical time to get outside. The chill in the air, the leaves shifting colors, and the smells that change and shift with the wind all bring about a sense of connectedness with nature. We, as humans, need to be outside. We need the wind in our faces, the sounds, the smells, and the textures of the outside. Children need nature! They need to be running, playing, and off of screens. I know it is easier said than done, but I applaud the effort! Please see this graphic to see why children, especially children with adverse childhood experiences need to be outside.

Take care, get outside, and play,

Ashley Bergman
Primary School Principal

What's new at the Primary School?

Pumpkin Parade
On our half day on Oct. 28, ECS Primary will hold our annual PUMPKIN PARADE from 9-9:30 a.m. on the blocks surrounding the Primary School. We will leave through the front doors, turn right, walk down Brashear, turn right onto Peebles, right onto Waverly and back to our front doors. We ask that families stand across the street from the parade.  More information on celebrations and early dismissals will be going out in the next few weeks. 

Costume Guidelines for Pumpkin Parade 

1. Students can wear their costumes for the duration of the school day, but costumes should allow students to participate fully in all activities. 

2. All costume preparations, like face paint or hair decorations, are to be completed at home.  Supplies such as face painting, hair spray, silly string, etc. should not be sent to school. 

3. Masks or face coverings may be worn during the parade only. 

4. Student shoes should follow the school dress code. 

5. Costumes or props that depict violence, weapons, or violent characters are prohibited.  

6. Guidelines for wearing shorts and skirts (length, 2 inches above the knee or longer) are consistent with the school dress code. 

7. Students who do not wish to wear a costume can wear an ECS T-Shirt and uniform bottoms or dress-down clothes.

Pets at Dismissal
Due to the high energy of pick-up during dismissal, we ask that you refrain from bringing your pet to dismissal unless they are an authorized service animal. Thank you for your understanding.

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

Our ECS community is made up of many different cultures! Once a week during Morning Meeting, we take some time to celebrate cultures, traditions and world events. During the month of October, we are celebrating Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with apples and honey for a sweet new year, Hispanic Heritage, World Food Day, and Diwali! If you would like to share something about your family's culture, please email

Student Services News:

School-Based Mental Health Services: The Children’s Institute (CI)
ECS is excited to be partnering with CI to offer space for outpatient mental health services to occur within the school setting. This service can include traditional talk therapy and/or optional medication management, and is billed through your insurance. Enrolled students meet with their CI therapist during the school day. CI accepts a wide range of insurance providers! If you are interested in connecting your child with an outpatient therapist, reach out to your building-based school social worker for more information. 

Sleep Resources
Daylight savings time starts Sunday, November 6th. General guidelines suggest school-aged children should be getting 9-12 hours of sleep each night and teens should be getting 8-10 hours. Wondering if your child is getting enough? Check out this article.

PAAR Family Information
ECS has continued our partnership with the Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR) to provide our students with important lessons around boundaries and consent. Lessons at the Primary School will start in November.

Join us for a virtual parent meeting on Oct. 6, 2022, at 6:30 pm to hear what they will be talking about with your students! Click here to join the Zoom (passcode: ecs).

K-5 SEL & Counseling Lesson Updates
Did you know that each month, classroom teachers facilitate Morning Meeting lessons that align with the CASEL framework and promote social-emotional learning (SEL)? During the month of September, teachers followed the Second Step digital curriculum to focus on using a growth mindset and work on goal setting. Our school counselors also worked on completing Minute Meetings with each individual student in the building. Minute Meetings are an opportunity to better understand how students are feeling about school, friends, and trusted adults so ECS staff can create the most supportive and welcoming school environment possible.

In Case You Missed It 

  • Primary School dismisses at 11:30 a.m. on half days.

    • Please send in a water bottle to school with your child. We are outside often and students need to be able to bring water along.

    • Please put sunscreen on your child prior to school as it may be sunny while we are outside!

  • Arrival

    • Students being brought or bused to school will be accepted between 8:10 and 8:30 a.m.

    • Students will be accepted at the back and front doors only.

    • Do not stop or park on South Braddock Avenue; South Braddock Avenue is for buses only.

    • If you are driving by to drop off, please turn onto Brashear Street and drop your student off at the back gate.

    • If you do not see an ECS staff member at the gate, please find a parking space and walk your student to the back door

    • If you are walking your student to the front or back door, please park either on East End Avenue or Waverly Street.

    • If you arrive after 8:30, you must sign your student in at the front office. When ECS operates as a closed campus due to high community spread, families will sign students in at the table in the front vestibule.

    • DO NOT obstruct or park in neighbors’ driveways and do not double park on the street.


    • Students will be dismissed between 3:30 and 4 p.m.

    • Do not stop or park on South Braddock Ave; South Braddock Ave is for buses only. All pick-up students will be dismissed from the playground space behind the school.

    • Please park on either East End Ave. or Waverly St.

    • Do not park on Brashear Street.

    • Do not block the ECS gate/driveway.

    • Do not obstruct or park in neighbors’ driveways and do not double park on the street

    • No child will be permitted to go to an idling or unparked car.

    • Make sure to bring your dismissal sign. Your child will not be released to an adult without this sign. When you see your child please make sure the supervising adult knows you have taken your child before you remove them from the backlot.

    • Please arrange for early dismissals prior to picking your student up prior to 3:15 p.m. Once at school, please ring the front door and sign out your student in the office. ***Please note: When ECS operates as a closed campus due to “high” community level, families will sign students out at the table in the front vestibule.***

    • We will NOT dismiss any student from the front doors after 3:15 p.m.

    • During severe weather incidents (such as thunderstorms) families should still report to the rear of the building. Students will be dismissed from the two classrooms inside the two back doors.

  • Breakfast

    • Regular: $2

    • Reduced: $0.30

    • Adult: $2.50


    • Regular: $2.85

    • Reduced: $0.40

    • Adult: $4.10

    • Juice and/or milk can be purchased for $0.35.

    Check the Food Service Page for more information.

  • Lunch money is collected online. No cash is accepted at school as lunch money. is our online payment portal. You will need your student’s ID number to add funds to the account. You may also obtain your student’s lunch ID by contacting Niki Hutcherson directly at To assist in our record keeping and accounts, ECS strongly encourages families to add funds to your child’s account (suggested $20.00) to help cover last minute purchases. Families who require an alternate payment method can email or contact Sarah Kegarise in the Business Office at 412-247-7970 ext.9304 Meal participation invoices will be sent out monthly. Parents may also set up balance reminders on Small negative balances can add up, and we appreciate your help in keeping our accounts up to date.

    To find your student’s id, please log on to Alma.

  • If a child forgets a lunch at home, he/she/they will be provided with an ECS school lunch. Families can then add money to the child’s account. Students will not be denied a meal or given an alternate meal due to a lack of funds on the account.

Primary School Hawk Highlights from Last Month!

Ashley Bergman
Primary School Principal


Phone: x401

Important Dates

10/5: Yom Kippur; no school for students or staff

10/6: Virtual parent night with PAAR, 6:30 

10/10: and 10/11 Staff Planning Days; no school for students

10/27: K-5 Make Up Picture Day

10/28: Pumpkin Parade

10/28: ½ day of school for students

10/28: End of Quarter 1

11/1: Make Up Picture Day

11/8: No School- Conferences

11/9: Report Cards Available in Alma

11/11: Student Half Day - Conferences