Intermediate School October Newsletter (22–23)

Dear Intermediate School Families,

ECS is committed to growing empathetic and active citizens.  With that in mind, the students of the Intermediate School participated in a Climate Strike on Sept. 23, 2022.  This year’s Climate Strike theme was “People not Profit”.  The enthusiasm that the students put into their chants and creative posters was evident in the photos below

On Oct. 3, 2022, the students will have the opportunity to participate in the National Bullying Prevention Month at ECS Intermediate.  The students are asked to wear blue to school on Monday, Oct. 3, to Stomp Out Bullying.  We are going to Blue Up and Be Kind to kick-off National Bullying Prevention Month.


Laura Williams

What’s new at the Intermediate School?

Intermediate Pumpkin Parade on Oct. 28, 2022, From 10 to 10:30 a.m.
The Pumpkin Parade will take place on Friday, Oct. 28, at 10 a.m. on the baseball field. Please read the following guidelines and procedures: 

  • Parents who plan to watch must maintain a safe social distance from the parade. 

  • In the event of inclement weather and/or extremely wet conditions, we will communicate an alternate parade route.  

  • This is a half-day for students with dismissal taking place at 11:20 a.m.  

  • If you would like to take your child directly after the parade instead of sending them back to school, please complete this form.  Only children who have signed up on this form will be dismissed early after the parade.  


Costume Guidelines for Pumpkin Parade 

1. Students can wear their costumes for the duration of the school day, but costumes should allow students to participate fully in all activities. 

2. All costume preparations, like face paint or hair decorations, are to be completed at home.  Supplies such as face painting, hair spray, silly string, etc. should not be sent to school. 

3. Masks or face coverings may be worn during the parade only. 

4. Student shoes should follow the school dress code. 

5. Costumes or props that depict violence, weapons, or violent characters are prohibited.  

6. Guidelines for wearing shorts and skirts (length, 2 inches above the knee or longer) are consistent with the school dress code. 

7. Students who do not wish to wear a costume can wear an ECS T-Shirt and uniform bottoms or dress-down clothes.

Student Services News 

School-Based Mental Health Services: The Children’s Institute (CI)
ECS is excited to be partnering with CI to offer space for outpatient mental health services to occur within the school setting. This service can include traditional talk therapy and/or optional medication management, and is billed through your insurance. Enrolled students meet with their CI therapist during the school day. CI accepts a wide range of insurance providers! If you are interested in connecting your child with an outpatient therapist, reach out to your building-based school social worker for more information. 

Sleep Resources
Daylight savings time starts Sunday, November 6th. General guidelines suggest school-aged children should be getting 9-12 hours of sleep each night and teens should be getting 8-10 hours. Wondering if your child is getting enough? Check out this article.

PAAR Family Information
ECS has continued our partnership with the Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR) to provide our students with important lessons around boundaries and consent. Lessons at the Intermediate School will occur in November.

Join us for a virtual parent meeting on Oct. 6, 2022, at 6:30 pm to hear what they will be talking about with your students! Click here to join the Zoom (passcode: ecs).

K-5 SEL & Counseling Lesson Updates
Did you know that each month, classroom teachers facilitate Morning Meeting lessons that align with the CASEL framework and promote social-emotional learning (SEL)? During the month of September, teachers followed the Second Step digital curriculum to focus on using a growth mindset and work on goal setting. Our school counselors also worked on completing Minute Meetings with each individual student in the building. Minute Meetings are an opportunity to better understand how students are feeling about school, friends, and trusted adults so ECS staff can create the most supportive and welcoming school environment possible.

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

Students will wear Blue, Be Kind, and stomp out bullying for National Bullying Prevention Month.

In Case You Missed It

Half-Day Dismissal Time
Intermediate School students are dismissed at 11:20 a.m. on half days.

New Arrival Time
As we begin the 2022 - 2023 school year, the arrival time has now changed for the students.  The arrival time is now 8–8:20 a.m. as opposed to 7:50 - 8:20 a.m. as in previous years.  The dismissal time remains at 3:20–3:50 p.m.

Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

Arrival: Students being brought to school by car, bike, or on foot will be accepted at the Henrietta Street entrance between 8–8:20 a.m. 

  • The front door will close at 8:20. 

  • Please use the visitor parking spaces on Milton Street, adjacent to Turtle Park, if you must park your car during student arrival.  Please do not park in front of the school or on Milton Street.

  • Please avoid obstructing neighbors’ driveways.

  • Please be aware of cyclists in and around Regent Square. 

  • Please do not make a U-turn on Henrietta street (the street in front of the building) or turn left on Milton.  Instead, please continue straight down Henrietta and turn left on LaClair.

  • If you arrive after 8:20, please bring your student to the front door and ring the bell.  The office manager will confirm the receipt of your child and they will sign in at the front desk and receive a pass to class

Dismissal: Student dismissal begins at 3:20 and concludes at 3:50 p.m. 

  • Do not stop or park in front of the school or on Milton Street.  Please park on the east side of South Braddock Avenue.

  • All dismissal transportation changes have to be submitted to by 11 a.m. of the effective date.

  • All pick-up students will be dismissed from the side exit of the school building, next to Turtle Park.

  • Dismissals from the office are for pre-arranged early dismissals only. Please pick your child up from the designated dismissal location outside of the school.

  • Please avoid obstructing neighbors’ driveways.

  • Please be aware of cyclists in and around Regent Square.

  • During severe weather incidents (such as thunderstorms) parents may pick up students from the school gym.

  • Please do not make a U-turn on Henrietta Street or turn left on Milton.  Instead, please continue straight down Henrietta and turn left on LaClair.

  • Make sure that your child has checked in with the staff member assigned to their dismissal prior to leaving.

  • Please arrange for early dismissals prior to picking your child up.  Once at the school, please ring the front doorbell and ask the office manager for your child.  Your child will meet you at the front door.

Intermediate School Hawk Highlights From Last Month!

5th grade harvested, prepped, seasoned, and roasted purple potatoes from our school garden! 🥔 Made with olive oil, salt, fresh thyme, sage, and rosemary (also from the garden).

Laura Williams
Intermediate School Principal


Phone: x205

Important Dates

10/5: Yom Kippur; no school for students or staff

10/6: Virtual parent night with PAAR, 6:30 

10/10: and 10/11 Staff Planning Days; no school for students

10/27: K-5 Make Up Picture Day

10/28: Pumpkin Parade

10/28: ½ day of school for students

10/28: End of Quarter 1

11/1: Make Up Picture Day

11/8: No School- Conferences

11/9: Report Cards Available in Alma

11/11: Student Half Day - Conferences