Primary School Nov. Newsletter (21–22)

Dear Primary School Families, 

At ECS, we constantly strive to support the whole child, and we recognize that now, more than ever, social-emotional learning (SEL) is paramount. Each day, we build in intentional time for classroom communities to play, connect, and grow together. We also teach lessons to purposefully build social-emotional awareness and conflict resolution skills. While SEL opportunities occur each day, teachers utilize Second Step (which also aligns with CASEL) and Kelso's Choice lessons as the main framework for teaching important SEL skills each week. Teachers also co-teach core counseling lessons with Mrs. Flynn, the ECS Primary School counselor, twice a month to build off of their weekly lessons and dig deeper into social-emotional learning.

Important components of SEL skills also include bullying prevention and anti-biased anti-racist (ABAR) education. Four different Second Step Units lay foundational skills for growth-mindset and goal setting, emotion management, empathy and kindness, and problem-solving which all build up to a unit that addresses bullying prevention directly. ECS is also partnering with PAAR to teach lessons on healthy boundaries and bullying prevention in November. 

ECS continues its dedicated focus on ABAR work, and from the purposeful lessons that are taught weekly in Homebase to the thoughtful conversations in class and the visual images that are displayed throughout the school, ECS maintains its commitment to ensuring that our classrooms and spaces are places where all community members feel seen, heard, and valued. To support our commitment to this ongoing mission, we have also partnered with the University of Pittsburgh’s P.R.I.D.E (Positive Racial Identity Development in Early Education) program for staff to participate in professional development and reflection. 

Finally, I would like to send a special thank you to each of you, our parents and guardians, for your continued support and collaboration as we continue to navigate “new normals” and focus on the holistic well-being of every child in our school!

Take care, get outside and play,

Ashley Bergman

What's new at the Primary School?

Pick up and Drop off at Primary Reminders

  • Please DO NOT park on S. Braddock Ave. - this is the bus lane

  • Please DO NOT double park on Brashear St. 

  • Adults must park and walk to the backlot to pick up their student

Primary School Picture Day - make-up and retakes
Students who still need their picture taken or retaken are invited to do so during the Primary School’s Picture MakeUp Day on Nov. 15, 2021. Please reach out to your student’s teacher if you have any questions. 

Kindness Monsters
Many of your children may be talking about the Kindness Monsters that have arrived at the Primary building.  These kindness monsters are on the lookout for kindness throughout the building. They can’t catch everything, but they have been finding a lot of kindness. If your child has been spotted, they get their very own baby kindness monster to adopt. We are also spotting kindness in our staff. If you would like to shout out a staff member for kindness, please email me at, and they will receive a baby kindness monster and a school shout-out!

Notes from our Social Work Team
Excused Absence Form:
Please use this new excused absence form when your student misses school: We check this regularly to make sure our records accurately represent your student's attendance. 

 Parenting While Black: ECS is excited to be partnering with The University of Pittsburgh's School of Social Work to offer their Parenting While Black (PWB) program. This program provides parents with tools to both support their children’s healthy development and their own wellness. It will include eight virtual sessions that use a combination of presentations, activities, and group discussions to promote successful parenting in the face of oppressive factors in the African American context.

These proven techniques help strengthen parents’ abilities to support student mental health and thriving, while also reducing the parents’ depression and stress. Details are still being finalized, but the program expects to begin in late January. If you are interested and would like more information, please email your building's social worker, Jessica Segal.

Welcome New Staff

  • Mylia Diggs - special education paraeducator

  • Marianna Galia - special education paraeducator

  • Lily Manganiello - first-grade long term substitute teacher

In Case You Missed It 

Enrollment for the 22–23 School Year is Open
Siblings Preference: Please complete an application for any siblings of current students that would like to attend ECS for the 2022–23 school year. Current students do not need to apply, and ECS will send re-enrollment information to all current families in January. Learn more about sibling preference...

Primary School Hawk Highlights from Last Month!

Day of the Dead Celebrations and the Pumpkin Parade were a great success!

Ashley Bergman
Primary School Principal


Phone: x401

11/2 - No school - Parent-Teacher Conferences

11/5 - Report cards available for families

11/12 - Half Day for students - Parent-Teacher Conferences

11/15 - Make-up and picture retake day

11/24 - Half Day

11/25–11/29 - No School, Thanksgiving Holiday

11/30 - Staff and Students Return from Break

12/3 - Half Day for Students