Meet the ECS Athletic Coordinators

ECS is pleased to have three dedicated athletic coordinators for grades 3–10 that will help the after-school program grow and flourish. Learn more about these individuals below.

Mark Devine, 3rd Grade Assistant Teacher and Intermediate School Athletic Coordinator
Hi, my name is Mark Devine, and I have been with ECS for 3 years now.  I am the 3rd Grade Assistant Teacher and as of recently, the Athletic Coordinator for the Intermediate School.  Growing up, I was always into sports and played for many different teams.  To this day, I still play on organized teams in many sports to keep myself active. Volleyball, softball, football, and hockey are the sports I enjoy most, with hockey being at the top. I have been running my own hockey team for 13 years now.  My goal is to bring my passion for sports to our ECS schools. I will be working with our awesome team to get a few sports underway this year and build every year.  Specifically for this year, we hope to introduce soccer and basketball, and any others we may be able to get the students interested in. I am looking forward to building and continuing a sports program that will last for years to come!

Leonard Brown, Middle School Math Teacher and Middle School Athletic Coordinator
My name is Leonard Brown. I am currently a Math Teacher at ECS Middle School, and this is my 10th year teaching and 3rd year at ECS. One of the main reasons I became a teacher was because of the strong desire I have to coach and be involved with Athletics. My favorite sports are football, hockey, and track. I am excited to help build the sports program at ECS. I have always thought that sports help a school build community. At ECS, I want to be able to offer sports and sports partnerships to help build our community stronger than ever. 

Matt Heyman, High School Health & Physical Education and High School Athletic Coordinator
Hi ECS! I’m so excited to join not only the high school team but to also be here as the ECHS Athletic Coordinator. I love Rugby, Volleyball, Baseball, Football, and Basketball. I hope to help build a high school athletic program that provides 2 or more sports each season for boys and girls.