Primary School August Newsletter (22–23)

Dear ECS Primary Families,

Welcome Back!  

We want to wish all of our new and returning families a warm welcome for the 2022–2023 school year.  We are thrilled to have our littlest learners starting a year full of learning, play, and joy!

At the ECS Primary School, we are a family and truly believe that we are all on this academic journey together.  We work hard, play hard, and take care of each other.  We want each child and family to feel connected to each other and ECS.  We know that it takes a village to support the growth and development of every child.  Open lines of communication are essential for our village to be successful, so please never hesitate to reach out to a teacher or principal; we are always here to collaborate.  When we are all working together, we can support all of our children to be empowered, independent learners that can change the world!

Our annual Meet & Greet is on August 15 from 5:30–7:30 p.m.! Students and families are welcome to visit our classrooms, find their names, discover their spaces, see their cubbies, talk with friends and teachers, find their former teachers, and tour the building and grounds. Since there will be no formal presentations, please come when you are available and enjoy this flexible, social time with the ECS Primary Family. We are so excited to see everyone!  

We hope that your little one returns to school on our first day, August 17, with excitement that we will continue to foster throughout the year by creating unique learning experiences that spark delight and wonder.  We look forward to another year of learning with all of you.

Finally, I am excited to announce that Mr. McCree is joining the Primary School family as our assistant principal. While this is his first year at Primary, Mr. McCree is going into his third year with ECS and has been at the high school his first two years. Mr. McCree joins the Primary School family with a deep understanding and commitment to the ECS mission and vision and a dedication to ensuring our littlest learners bloom and flourish through play-based learning. Please join me in welcoming Mr. McCree!

Take care, get outside, and play,

Ashley Bergman
Primary School Principal

What's new at the Primary School?

Meet Your Grade Level Teams

First Day To Do:

  • Please make sure the office knows how your child is getting home!

  • Family members can only walk children to the front doors while the community Covid level is high. Currently, Allegheny County is considered at a high community level, and ECS will operate as a closed campus meaning the district will not accept outside visitors.

  • Please feel free to send a picture of you/your family to school as a comfort item for your child.

  • This article is a wonderful resource for supporting your child’s transition back to school.

  • Please keep in touch with the school staff. Working together is the best way to support your child.

Outdoor Reminders:

  • Please send in a water bottle to school with your child. We are outside often, and students need to be able to bring water along.

  • Please put sunscreen on your child prior to school as it may be sunny while we are outside!

Pick up and Drop off at Primary Reminders
Students being brought or bused to school will be accepted between  8:10 and 8:30 a.m.

  • Students will be accepted at the back and front doors only.

  • Do not stop or park on South Braddock Avenue; South Braddock Avenue is for buses only.

  • If you are driving by to drop off, please turn onto Brashear Street and drop your student off at the back gate. 

    • If you do not see an ECS staff member at the gate, please find a parking space and walk your student to the back door

  • If you are walking your student to the front or back door, please park either on East End Avenue or Waverly Street.

  • If you arrive after 8:30 a.m., you must sign your student in at the front entrance

  • DO NOT obstruct or park in neighbors’ driveways and do not double park on the street.

Dismissal: Students will be dismissed between 3:30 and 4 p.m. 

  • Do not stop or park on South Braddock Ave; South Braddock Ave is for buses only. All pick-up students will be dismissed from the playground space behind the school. 

    •  Please park on either East End Ave. or Waverly St.

    • Do not park on Brashear Street

    • Do not block the ECS gate/driveway.

    • Do not obstruct or park in neighbors’ driveways and do not double park on the street.

  • No child will be permitted to go to an idling or un-parked car.

  • Make sure to bring your dismissal sign. Your child will not be released to an adult without this sign. When you see your child please make sure the supervising adult knows you have taken your child before you remove them from the backlot. 

  • If picking your student up BEFORE 3:15 p.m., please arrange for early dismissal at the start of the school day. Once at school, please ring the front door and sign out your student in the main office. ***Please note: When ECS operates as a closed campus due to “high” community level, families will sign students out at the table in the front vestibule.***

    • We will NOT dismiss any student from the front doors after 3:15 p.m. 

  • During severe weather incidents (such as thunderstorms) families should still report to the rear of the building.  Students will be dismissed from the two classrooms inside the two back doors.

In Case You Missed It 

Check back next month!

Primary School Hawk Highlights from Last Month!

Primary teachers were SOARing during PD days! Our Primary School team focused on student-centered, anti-racist, and culturally responsive work while connecting programs to outdoor and playful learning for our littlest learners.

Ashley Bergman
Primary School Principal


Phone: x401

Important Dates

Aug. 15: Meet and Greet from 5:30–7:30 p.m.

Aug. 17: First Day of School

Aug. 17: Board of Trustees Meeting at 6 p.m. at Middle School

Aug. 25: PCO Meeting at Middle School at 6 p.m.

Sept. 4: Expect to receive your Sept. District Newsletter

Sept. 5: No School–Labor Day!

Sept. 7: PCO Volunteer and Activity Fair at 6 p.m. at Intermediate School