Back to School COVID-19 Procedures (22–23)

ECS recognizes the need to co-exist with COVID-19 while providing a safe and healthy learning environment. Below, the district has updated its procedures for the 22–23 School Year which are reflective of surrounding organizations’ and school districts’ procedures:

  • Families are encouraged to order free monthly COVID-19 tests through USPS

  • The district will support and follow guidance recommendations from the Allegheny County Health Department and the CDC. 

  • Due to cases in the past 90 days being excluded from PCR testing, ECS will no longer participate in pooled testing as the pool of individuals qualified to participate has significantly decreased. 

  • Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must submit a doctor’s note to be marked as an excused absence.

  • ECS is no longer conducting contact tracing, however, the district will still contact the Allegheny County Health Department to determine the next steps if multiple students in a class or grade level simultaneously test positive for COVID-19.

  • ECS is no longer updating the COVID-19 Dashboard. The page will remain live on the website for individuals to reference helpful resources.

Allegheny County is currently in HIGH community spread. Masking when indoors is mandatory. 

If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please feel free to talk with your PCP and/or school nurse for further guidance. As always, ECS will have a supply of masks on hand at all times for individuals who need one. As COVID-19 is consistently changing, ECS encourages families to stay up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters. We are happy to see so many of our littlest community members having access to vaccinations and look forward to learning more about potential boosters.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge our ECS Health Services team and nurses everywhere for their vigilance and dedication to ensuring our community stays up to date with COVID-19 changes, testing, and vaccinations. Their tremendous work continues to keep our community safe, informed, and in school.


Dr. James Doyle, COO
Jon McCann, CEO,
Dr. Mandy Cribbs, Superintendent
Dwight Laufman, CSSO
Michelle Resnick, CFO
Dr. Sapna Parker, Board Member & School Doctor