Primary School April Newsletter (23–24)

Ashley Bergman
Primary School Principal


Phone: x1401

Important Dates

4/8: No School - Eclipse

4/10: No School - Eid-al-Fitr

4/11: PCO Yearbook Order Deadline

4/12: Deadline to Purchase PCO Blooming Bash Tickets

4/17: ECS Board of Trustees Meeting at 6 p.m. at Middle

4/19: Half Day for Students/Conferences

4/22, 24, 26:  PSSA (ELA) Testing

4/23: No School - Conferences

4/24: Executive Functions with Dr. Chase at 6 p.m. at Middle

4/25: Take Your Child to Work Day

4/27: PCO Plant Order Deadline

4/29, 30: PSSA (Math)

5/1: PCO Meeting at 6 p.m. at Intermediate

5/1, 2: Science PSSAs

5/3: Spirit Day

Dear Primary School Families, 

Dear Primary School Families,

Every year when April comes around I add this story to my newsletter because outdoor time is so essential for all and any time counts!

When the pandemic shut down began I did a serious re-evaluation of how my children spent their free time. They were both daycare age at that time and I felt like they were living their little lives just fine. However, I quickly realized that the amount of time they were outside was short and not their favorite thing to do! I basically grew up outside, barefoot and free and was ashamed that I didn’t pass that on to my two littles. We started by being outside for any amount of time that we could and grew our time little by little. Now, years later my girls get home and go outside without asking or coaxing(most of the time). When I saw this post from one of the many outdoor sites I follow, I felt better about not being a hiking, camping or canoeing family, but we get out when we can and that is fine! It all counts, it is all beneficial for ALL of us.

Take care, get outside, and play,

Ashley Bergman
Primary School Principal

What's new at the Primary School?

K–5 Sustainability Fair: Friday, May 17, 2024, from 5–7 p.m. RSVP

This year's event will feature:
- 5th Grade Environmental Literacy posters
- Thinking Lab Artwork
- EcoStewards Scavenger Hunt & S'mores
- Drumming Circle
- Storytime in the Garden
-AND you'll have the chance to Pie a teacher!

Snack Donations
ECS Primary will be accepting bulk donations of snacks for your students homebase. Attached is a list of safe snacks that any donated snacks must adhere to. Please note - there is a SNACK list and a TREAT list. Treats may only be provided for celebrations and must be approved by your classroom teacher. ANY foods brought in must adhere to this list.

Changes of clothing
Mud season is coming up! Please ensure you send a change of clothes and shoes/boots if possible with your child. They will be outside and they will get messy, we would like to have the ability to let them change clothes and be comfortable during the day.

Just a reminder, we will continue to do drop off in front of the school in the bus lane for the remainder of the year. Please see grade level newsletters and previous alma communications for the full update. Dismissal will remain the same.

Primary Aftercare with YMCA for the 24–25 School Year
ECS partners with the YMCA to provide after-school care for students in grades K–2 that explores the outdoors. Learn more about aftercare options and pricing, and register today!

Attention 2nd Grade Families! Registration is now open for Intermediate Aftercare with Venture Outdoors for the 24–25 School Year.
This aftercare program is daily until 6 p.m. and includes environmental and recreational outdoor activities like: geocaching, hiking, snowshoeing, fishing skills, crafts, creek exploration, trail games, free play and more. During daily "wind down time" students play board games, cards, artwork, work on homework, and relax. Students will also enjoy special half-day off-site adventures including kayaking, biking, and rock climbing! Learn more about pricing and part-time options…

Register for Summer Sports Camps
ECS is hosting 3 weeks of summer sports camps at its Intermediate School location for rising 1st–6th graders. Sports include soccer, flag football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, kickball, and more. Learn more and Register today!

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

In Case You Missed It!

We finished our Kraken!! We showed 121 acts of kindness during February!

Did you know that ECS Primary has incorporated a free play block into their weekly schedule? Check out some pictures below!

A few benefits of free play! 

  1. Brain development

  2. Creativity

  3. Social skills development

  4. Planning skills

  5. Motor development

  6. Problem solving

  7. Language development

  8. Independence

  9. Visual perception

  10. Auditory perception 

  11. Spatial perception

  12. Health expression

  • Sibling Preference for the 24–25 School Year
    Have a sibling who would like to attend ECS for the 2024–25 school year? Please complete an application in your SchoolMint account by pressing the add new student application after Oct. 2. The application deadline for sibling preference is January 31. Current students do not need to apply. Re-enrollment will occur in March.

    “A sibling is defined as one of two or more individuals having at least one common legal parent/guardian. Sibling preference does not guarantee enrollment.”

    Enrollment for the 24–25 School Year Opens Oct. 2!
    Let your friends and neighbors know about our open enrollment! The application deadline to be considered for the lottery is Jan. 31, 2024. Learn more…

    Family Portal on the ECS Website
    Based on feedback from last year’s communication survey, ECS has identified areas of improvement on the website. ECS is pleased to launch its Family Portal, a designated space for current families to view and learn information. Browse the Family Portal.

    Volunteering & Clearances
    ECS values volunteers in our district. To learn how to volunteer and what clearances are needed visit the Family Portal Volunteer page.

    Receive Board Meeting Reminders
    Did you know that ECS has monthly Board of Trustees meetings? Opt-In to receive Board Meeting Reminders that will include the date, time, and location of the meeting as well as links to the agenda draft, sign up to speak form, and YouTube Live feed.

    Receive Board of Trustees Meeting Reminders

  • Primary School dismisses at 11:30 a.m. on half days.

  • ME TIME is a time of day where students are working on skills and strengths in Literacy or Math. Students are in groups all over our school building to support those strengths and skills. They could be working with any of the educators in our school building in numerous locations. If you would like to know more about your child’s ME TIME please reach out to your child’s homebase teacher.

    • Please send in a water bottle to school with your child. We are outside often and students need to be able to bring water along.

    • Please send hats, coats, and gloves for your child as it may be cold while we are outside!

  • Arrival

    Students being brought to school will be accepted between 8:10 and 8:30 a.m.

    Students will be accepted at the FRONT door only.

    Families may pull into the bus lane on S. Braddock Ave in front of the school for a driving drop off.

    Buses and cars will all drop off in the same location.

    No child will be admitted through the back door. The back gate will be locked.

    When pulling into the bus lane, pull as far forward as drop off traffic allows.

    Do not wait to get to the end of the sidewalk to unload your child.

    Your child MUST exit on the passenger side of the vehicle.

    Your child MUST be fully prepared to exit the vehicle when you stop in the drop off line.

    Backpack on, materials gathered, hugs and kisses complete.

    There will be multiple ECS staff present to assist students from cars and buses to keep the line moving smoothly.

    Parents/Guardians should remain in their vehicle.

    Students may open their own car door. DO NOT wait for a staff member.

    Families are still welcome to park in our local community and walk their child to the front door.

    Please do not block residential driveways.

    Do not obstruct or park in a neighbors’ driveways.

    Do not double park on the street.

    If you arrive after 8:30, you must sign your student in at the front entrance.


    Students are dismissed between 3:30 and 4 p.m.

    Do not stop or park on South Braddock Ave; South Braddock Ave is for buses only during dismissal. All pick-up students will be dismissed from the playground space behind the school.

    Please park on either East End Ave. or Waverly St.

    Do not park on Brashear Street.

    Do not block the ECS gate/driveway.

    Do not obstruct or park in a neighbors’ driveways.

    Do not double park on the street

    No child will be permitted to go to an idling or un-parked car.

    Make sure to bring your dismissal sign. Your child will not be released to an adult without this sign. When you see your child, please make sure the supervising adult knows you have taken your child before you remove them from the backlot.

    During severe weather incidents (such as thunderstorms) families should still report to the rear of the building. Students will be dismissed from the two classrooms inside the two back doors.

    Early Dismissals

    Any student picked up before 3:15 p.m. is considered an early dismissal.

    Early dismissals must be arranged prior to picking up your student by contacting the office manager.

    Once at school, please ring the front door.

    The office manager will request that you report to the main office and sign out your student on the computer.

    Your child will meet you in the office.

    We will NOT dismiss any student from the front doors after 3:15 p.m.

  • Lunch money is collected online. No cash is accepted at school as lunch money. is our online payment portal. You will need your student’s ID number to add funds to the account. You may also obtain your student’s lunch ID by contacting Niki Hutcherson directly at To assist in our record keeping and accounts, ECS strongly encourages families to add funds to your child’s account (suggested $20.00) to help cover last minute purchases. Families who require an alternate payment method can email or contact Sarah Kegarise in the Business Office at 412-247-7970 ext.9304 Meal participation invoices will be sent out monthly. Parents may also set up balance reminders on Small negative balances can add up, and we appreciate your help in keeping our accounts up to date.

    To find your student’s id, please log on to Alma.

  • If a child forgets a lunch at home, he/she/they will be provided with an ECS school lunch. Families can then add money to the child’s account. Students will not be denied a meal or given an alternate meal due to a lack of funds on the account.

Primary School Hawk Highlights from Last Month!