Middle School Sept. Newsletter (21–22)

Hey there, Middle School!

How are you?! What have you been leaning into? What are you most curious about right now? 

I’m a decade past the quarter-life reflection time and haven’t yet hit the moment when I really want to buy a motorcycle. But alas, here I am in the same place I was the last time we spoke — knee-deep in thinking about my “why.” Perhaps it’s all of these big transitions we repeatedly find ourselves having to navigate through that’s making me sit here in this metaphorical criss-cross applesauce moment. Maybe life is gifting me with a push to pause. If anyone has any tips for being still and paying close attention, especially through all the excitement that has been the start of the school year, absolutely let me know!

Block 0 is off and running. We’re practicing and learning new content. And most importantly, we’re focused on rebuilding our school community with and for one another. This is challenging and worthy and beautiful work, and I’m so glad you all are here doing it with us. For that, I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you. Your kids bring us so much joy. 

Until next time,


What's new at Middle School?

Welcome to 6th-Grade Ms. Rogers and Mr. Wilson!
Please join me in warmly welcoming Ms. Audrey Rogers to 6th-grade math and Mr. Zachary Wilson to 6th grade Cultural Literacy! Both bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to students. Ms. Rogers is coming to us all the way from the ECS Spanish classroom (if you know of a Spanish teacher who may be interested, send them our way!). Students can look forward to seeing them in their new roles next week.

In Case You Missed It

Online Excuse Form
If your student is absent from school, please submit an excuse using the form linked below.  ​​Online Excuse Form

Have you activated your Alma account?
Alma, our new information management system, allows parents and guardians to quickly email staff members, review students’ grades, and receive important school messages. You should have received an email invitation to sign up for an Alma account at the start of the school year. If you did not receive a link, contact helpdesk@ecspgh.org.

Dr. Jaleah Robinson
Middle School Principal

Email: jaleah.robinson@ecspgh.org

Phone: x559

Important Dates this Month

  • 9/6 No school; Labor Day

  • 9/7 No school; Rosh Hashanah

  • 9/8-9/10 ELA PSSA

  • 9/13 and 9/14 Math PSSA

  • 9/16 No school; Yom Kippur 

  • 9/28 Middle School Picture Day