ECS September 2021 News

Dear ECS Families,

ECS has had a marvelous start to the 21–22 school year, and I am grateful for our dedicated staff who worked tirelessly to set up classrooms and spaces for students to learn and flourish while also opening a fourth campus. Students are doing an excellent job acclimating themselves to a new year of learning, and as we settle into our routines, I am greatly looking forward to this month’s upcoming activities including picture day and PSSA testing. 

At ECS, we are firmly rooted in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and Goal 4 to provide quality education takes center stage as we grow an empathic, active, and engaged citizenry.  Throughout September, students across the district will participate in PSSA testing which are standardized tests that provide insight into the students’ understanding of the curriculum. 

While these tests may seem daunting, they highlight student success and help ECS identify students' needs to determine the best educational trajectory for the coming years. With the challenges and obstacles created by the pandemic during the 20–21 school year, I’d be remiss not to address some testing anxieties as I realize that PSSAs may feel a little different and cause big feelings and emotions this year. To help prepare you and your student for PSSA testing, please review Dr. Cribbs’ video and reach out if you have any concerns.PSSA testing will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 8.

Finally, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the confusion that took place on Wednesday, Sept. 1 around transportation during the heavy rainfall. ECS was notified by PPS via robocall around 7:50 a.m. that transportation would not be provided for students who reside in the PPS district. ECS quickly connected with Sun Coach and alerted families regarding this update but did not receive an official notice from PPS’s transportation office until 8:26 a.m. We understand that this confusion was extremely frustrating and stressful, and ECS was baffled by the unacceptable events that transpired on Wednesday. The safety of our students is and always will be our top priority, and we are working with our partners at PPS to ensure ECS is notified in a timely manner around transportation issues and changes. 

Please know that ECS is doing everything in its power to prevent this from happening again. If you have any questions, please reach out to ECS or contact PPS’s Pupil Transportation office at 412-529-4357.

I hope you have a wonderful and safe long weekend.

Be well, 

Jon McCann

What’s New at ECS?

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COVID-19 Testing in School Coming Soon
ECS is partnering with Concentric by Ginkgo to provide free Covid-19 testing for our district as an additional layer of mitigation starting Tuesday, Sept. 21. In order to conduct pooled testing, parents/guardians need to complete an online consent form giving ECS permission to test your student at school. This program is only effective if parents opt-in to the testing. Keep an eye out for an email and update to the Alma bulletin board with more information and a link to the consent form in the coming week. Learn more about Public Health Guidance for Pooled Testing...

PSSA Reminders
Students in grades 4–9 will participate in PSSA testing starting next week. As a reminder, if your student is feeling ill, please keep them home. PSSA make-sessions are available, and ECS will work with your student to determine another time for them to make-up the test. 

Update on After School Activities
The student experience department is diligently working to provide after school extracurricular activities and recognizes the delay in this process is disappointing, but we remain optimistic. While some after school activities are available to students, the ongoing national staffing disparities continue to obstruct the applicant search and hiring process. 

ECS is continuing to work with its community partners to provide after school programs, but in the meantime, we hope to fill positions currently listed on the website. If you or someone you know might be interested in available coaching and after school advisor positions with ECS, please submit an application

Java with Jon and James
Grab a cup of joe, and join Mr. McCann and Dr. Doyle via Google Meet the second Wednesday of every month to chat about district level information, share feedback, and ask questions. The next Java with Jon and James is on Wednesday, Sept. 8 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Join here

September ECS Board of Trustees Meeting Change
In recognition of Yom Kippur, the ECS Board of Trustees Meeting will occur on Wednesday, Sept. 22. Learn more...

What’s Happening in Your Building?

Hear from your building’s principal and learn what’s happening in your student’s building through their online newsletter. 

Primary School
Intermediate School

Middle School

High School

In Case You Missed It!

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ECS Travel Advisory
ECS has developed a Required Travel Policy based on current vaccination status and whether or not your travel plans are domestic or international. 

  • All unvaccinated individuals must provide their building nurse a negative PCR test prior to returning to an ECS facility if traveling domestically or internationally. 

  • All vaccinated individuals must provide their building nurse a negative PCR test within 3–5 days of traveling internationally. 

  • Please submit any COVID-19 test results to your student’s building nurse.

As the prevailing guidance around health and safety changes, ECS will shift its policies. Review the ECS Travel Policy...


PCO Fall Plant Sale Deadline
The PCO is excited to offer a revamped fall plant sale featuring mums, fall décor, and bulbs! We’re excited to partner with a local, woman-owned business to bring you these new selections. The pre-order deadline is SEPTEMBER 10. Learn more...


Sign in to Alma
All families should have received their Alma activation email directly from Alma. You must log in to Alma to see important student information including progress reports and grades.  If you did not receive the email or need assistance, please contact 


Student Information Disclosure Reminder
As mentioned in the student handbook, directory information including photographs and video may be disclosed without prior parental consent, unless you have advised your student's office manager otherwise. If you wish for your student to not be photographed or recorded for a variety of uses including but not limited to print materials, news sources, newsletters, social media, website, etc., please send a written letter to your student's office manager.


ECS Family Survey through the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management
ECS recently partnered with the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management (BCNM) at Robert Morris University to help us in the development of ECS's next strategic planning process, and we would like to gather reflective feedback from our key stakeholders including families, staff, trustees, and the ECS community as a whole. Learn more and take the survey...

Review ECS’s Health and Safety Plans and Policies
ECS also encourages families to review the plans and policies below frequently with students. This information can also be found on the ECS COVID Dashboard and Information Center page under information and prevention.

Jon McCann


Phone: x302