Middle School November Newsletter (22–23)

Dr. Jaleah Robinson
Middle School Principal

Email: jaleah.robinson@ecspgh.org

Phone: x559

Important Dates this Month

11/4: 6th Grade Social from 6–8 p.m. in the MS Café 

11/8: No School; Election Day and Student, Parent, & Teacher Conferences 

11/9: Check Alma for your student’s Q1 report card

11/11: Half day for students; Student, Parent, & Teacher Conferences

11/15: PCO Meeting at 6 p.m. at Intermediate School

11/16: Board of Trustees Meeting at 6 p.m. at Middle School

11/23: Half day for students and staff

11/24-11/28: Thanksgiving Break

Hey there, Middle School!

Thank you all for your support of our Middle and High School band and orchestra programs. This past Thursday, students had the opportunity to share their love of music with friends and family at our first Instrumental Showcase. Needless to say, I was super proud of the effort, perseverance, and commitment they’ve demonstrated in this first quarter of the year. Judging by the smiles and number of pictures taken by those in attendance, I’d say you all were understandably even more so!

When students are younger, we often send examples of work and special projects home to you. But, once students get to middle school, I think we make the mistake of not doing that as much as we should. Our aim is to keep this ball of goodness rolling. First was our instrumental program; next up is Visual Arts in December! Wait until you see what kids have created. 

Before I go, I also want to highlight upcoming student, parent, and teacher conferences on November 8th and in the afternoon of the 11th. In-person and virtual meetings are offered, and this year, please bring your student along with you! We want to engage students in this moment of reflection, foster self-advocacy, and begin to prepare them to take the lead at conferences in the spring. 

Until next time,


What's new at Middle School?

View the Middle Food Allergy Flier_2022.2023

Notes from Our Student Services Team

Attendance Reminder
As the Holiday Season approaches, we recognize that trips may be planned in the coming months. As a reminder, each student gets 10 excused absences from a parent per year. You can complete the online excuse form here. Any additional absences must be excused by a doctor. If your student will be absent for a pre-scheduled trip, please email your building principal for approval. 


Children’s Grief Awareness Day
On Thursday, November 17th, ECS will be participating in Children's Grief Awareness Day. All ECS students are invited to wear all BLUE to raise awareness for the needs of grieving children. Throughout the week, students will be participating in developmentally appropriate discussions around how to support those who are grieving or sad. For information about support services for grieving children, check out The Caring Place and/or reach out to a school counselor. #CGADHOPE #CGAD2022


Go Guardian: Break Changes 
ECS uses a Beacon software tool to monitor online activity from your child’s school account. During the year when school is in session, if any content related to suicide or self harm is flagged, a member of our Student Services team follows up with students and families to ensure that students are properly supported. During the break, the ability to monitor these alerts is significantly reduced. If an alert is detected, the notification will be sent directly to the parent from Go Guardian. As always, we encourage you to have open conversations with your child and/or contact Re:solve Crisis Services (1-888-796-8226) if you are concerned about your student’s mental health and safety. Because this software tool is only based on your child’s online activity, it should not be used as a medical or psychological assessment of your child’s condition, but more so an indicator that you should speak with your child about what is troubling them.

In Case You Missed It

Half-Day Dismissal Time
Middle School students are dismissed at 11:50 a.m. on Half Days.

Last Month’s Hawk Highlights

Middle School staff got into the Halloween spirit!