High School November Newsletter (22–23)

Kari Vissichelli
High School Principal

Email: kari.vissichelli@ecspgh.org

Phone: x4401

Important Dates this Month

11/01: Picture Day Make-ups

11/07: Parent Teacher Conferences 4–7 p.m.

11/08: Parent Teacher Conferences 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

11/11:  HAWK DAY-½ day of school for students, dismissal at 11:38

11/14: Screening of In the Heights (3:30–6:30 p.m.)

11/15: PCO Meeting at 6 p.m. at Intermediate School

11/16: Board of Trustees Meeting at 6 p.m. at the Middle School

11/23:  HAWK DAY-½ day of school for students, dismissal at 11:38

11/24–11/28: No School, Thanksgiving Holiday

Dear High School Families, 

November has arrived! Quarter 1 is complete, and we are in a wonderful routine here at the high school. We look forward to the upcoming Parent-Teacher conferences which will take place on Monday, Nov. 7th from 4–7 p.m. and Tuesday, Nov. 8th from 8 a.m.– 12 p.m. You should receive emails with links from specific teachers to sign up. Meetings can either be in person or virtual. Please take advantage of this time to check in on your student's progress in class!

Based on some feedback that we received from parents, we will be hosting a parents-only evening on Nov. 30th from 5–7 p.m. to review standards-based grading and have a Q&A session around all things ECHS! We hope you can join us!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out!

Kari Vissichelli
High School Principal

What's new at the High School?

October Student of the Month
Each month we will celebrate one student from each grade level for their dedication to education and for exhibiting all four ECHS character traits. During the month of October, our 9th-grade student of the month was Desean Krysnski. Our 10th-grade student was Jordan Means. And lastly, our 11th-grade student was Layla Williams.

Student Government
The results are in! Please congratulate the following students for securing the following elected seats:

President-Ki Brown

Treasurer-Jenevieve Davison

Secretary-Amoni Ward

9th Grade Class Representative-Carla Tillman

10th Grade Class Representative-Christian Cowherd

11th Grade Class Representative-Raizel Gasson

ECHS Hawk Mascot-Dylan McNutt

Student Services News 

Attendance Reminder
As the Holiday Season approaches, we recognize that trips may be planned in the coming months. As a reminder, each student gets 10 excused absences from a parent per year. You can complete the online excuse form here. Any additional absences must be excused by a doctor. If your student will be absent for a pre-scheduled trip, please email your building principal for approval. 

Children’s Grief Awareness Day
On Thursday, November 17th, ECS will be participating in Children's Grief Awareness Day. All ECS students are invited to wear all BLUE (while following dress code guidelines) to raise awareness for the needs of grieving children. Throughout the week, students will be participating in developmentally appropriate discussions around how to support those who are grieving or sad. For information about support services for grieving children, check out The Caring Place and/or reach out to a school counselor. #CGADHOPE #CGAD2022


Go Guardian Break Changes 
ECS uses a Beacon software tool to monitor online activity from your child’s school account. During the year when school is in session, if any content related to suicide or self harm is flagged, a member of our Student Services team follows up with students and families to ensure that students are properly supported. During the break, the ability to monitor these alerts is significantly reduced. If an alert is detected, the notification will be sent directly to the parent from Go Guardian. As always,  we encourage you to have open conversations with your child and/or contact Re:solve Crisis Services (1-888-796-8226) if you are concerned about your student’s mental health and safety. Because this software tool is only based on your child’s online activity, it should not be used as a medical or psychological assessment of your child’s condition, but more so an indicator that you should speak with your child about what is troubling them.

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

November is Native American Heritage Month. The month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native people. Heritage Month is also an opportune time to educate the general public about tribes, to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges Native people have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges. Students will engage in lessons on code talking in their Crew class and will use a Navajo code talker’s dictionary to create and decode secret messages.

In Case You Missed It

Anatomy and Physiology
10th-grade students in Anatomy and Physiology learned the location, general structure, function, and anatomy of the human heart. To enhance their learning, they participated in the dissection of a sheep heart.

11th Grade Graduation Project Proposals
All students in 11th grade have officially picked a pathway and have presented their graduation project proposals. So much hard work and dedication went into preparing these presentations. Students were able to observe their peers and provide meaningful feedback. We look forward to seeing the students work on these projects throughout the year and present their final pieces next year!

PBIS Rewards
Students are able to earn PBIS points throughout their day for following the four ECHS Character Traits: Empathetic, Collaborative, Honorable, and Scholarly. Students are able to purchase items from the school store and are also entered into a weekly raffle to win extra prizes. Below are some photos highlighting our winners!