Middle School August Newsletter (23–24)

Nick Tutolo
Middle School Principal

Email: nick.tutolo@ecspgh.org

Phone: x559

Important Dates

8/17: Meet and Greet from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

8/22: First Day of School

8/31: 6th Grade BBQ at ECMS from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

9/1: Spirit Day - Wear Green or your ECS Gear!

9/4: No School - Labor Day

9/6: PCO Picnic at Turtle Park at 5 p.m.

9/6: PCO Meeting at Intermediate School at 6 p.m.

9/7: 7th Grade BBQ at ECMS from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

9/14: 8th Grade BBQ at ECMS from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Dear ECMS Families, 

It’s hard to believe that we are just days away from the first day of school for students.  Our staff has been working diligently to make sure that we have everything set and ready to go to welcome our ECMS students back into the building. The energy around the building is contagious.  They have truly embraced the charge of creating a school worthy of our own children as we push to foster opportunities for students to lean into our mission of growing citizens. I am so proud of the work that our team is already doing and cannot wait to welcome the buzz of students back into our building on Aug. 22.

We have some very exciting new classes and opportunities which means new staff faces for students.  While I know going into a new class that you have never heard of can be a little nerve-wracking.  We must all remind our students that taking that leap forward and embracing change is the only way that we can better ourselves.  We plan to make sure that you are updated with as much information as possible so that you can talk to your students about what is happening at school.  

Finally, I am thrilled to have met so many of you during our orientation.  I know how important the partnership between families and school is and want to continue to connect with you all.  My team and I are always here to answer any questions or address any concerns that may arise during the course of the school year.  We are so happy to have you as a part of our ECMS community.  See you all very soon!


Nick Tutolo
ECMS Principal

What's new at Middle School?

Environmental Citizenship Classes
Students will explore questions and topics of personal and local interests. These designated spaces will support enrichment and life-wide learning for students where they will “walk the talk” of our environmental mission and “learn by doing.”  Students will create artifacts for authentic audiences and leverage external partnerships to connect school to the “real world” through field visits, guest speakers, mentoring, and feedback. 

Diversified Studies Addition
Diversified studies adds Drama to the array of options and experiences that students will have as they make their way through their Middle School years.  

Homebase Moves to CREW
Homebase has shifted titles and times.  It will now take place during the second block of the day. This is a space where students focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Cultural Celebrations, and managing academic life.  Your student’s CREW teacher (their second-period teacher) is your first point of contact.  They will reach out to introduce themselves in the first weeks of school.

Sign Up for Cross Country
Registration to participate in Middle School cross country is open to all students in grades 6 to 8. Students will practice three times a week after school and compete against other teams in the area. Learn more and register…

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

We are adding a few more celebrations this year to sustain more cultures in our community including Hispanic Heritage Month which starts on September 15th. Students will dive into Hispanic Culture and the diversity of experience across the culture. 

In Case You Missed It

Orientation Recording and Packets

Cell Phone/ Electronic Device Notification
If you weren’t at orientation or maybe missed the sign-in while you were there, please take a moment to fill out the Cell Phone/ Electronic Device Notification form along with your preferred mode of communication. 

Lateness/ Tardiness Policy 
There is a new policy for late to class.  Read about it here.

Half-Day Dismissal Time
Middle School students are dismissed at 11:50 a.m. on Half Days.

View the Middle Food Allergy Flier_2022.2023

  • NEW! Family Portal on the ECS Website
    Based on feedback from last year’s communication survey, ECS has identified areas of improvement on the website. ECS is pleased to launch its Family Portal, a designated space for current families to view and learn information. Browse the Family Portal.

    Volunteering & Clearances
    ECS values volunteers in our district. To learn how to volunteer and what clearances are needed visit the Family Portal Volunteer page.

    ALMA- ECS’s Parent Portal
    Alma account activation emails for new families were sent Friday, 8/11/23. If you have not received an activation email or are returning to ECS and have forgotten your Alma username or password, please send an email to the ECS Help Desk.

    Be sure to check your and your student(s)' information in Alma and let us know if anything needs updated. New students and 5th graders will receive their Alma login credentials once they have returned to school.

    Receive Board Meeting Reminders Did you know that ECS has monthly Board of Trustees meetings? Opt-In to receive Board Meeting Reminders that will include the date, time, and location of the meeting as well as links to the agenda draft, sign up to speak form, and YouTube Live feed.

    Receive Board of Trustees Meeting Reminders

Last Month’s Hawk Highlights

Check back next month!