Middle School August Newsletter (22–23)

Hey there, Middle School!

I hope summer’s been good to you. I hope you experienced moments of laughter, joy, rest, and reconnection. Seeing so many of you in the building for our recent orientation sessions was certainly one of those moments for me. I’ve missed having our school community together in that way. Lucky for me, now that school’s almost back in session, I can start looking forward to the next time!

Ms. Micco and I, along with a small team of folks across buildings and roles, have been excitedly preparing for right now since students and staff headed out in mid-June. Needless to say, we’re happy to have the rest of the crew come back to join us this week. Hearts, minds, and hands are busy writing unit plans and redding up classrooms ahead of our first day with the best kids in town. 

Before we fully get back in the swing of things, inquiring minds want to know, “what are you most looking forward to this school year?” Is there something staff can do at ECMS to support you or your student in carrying that out? If so, absolutely drop me a line. I’d love to hear from you.

Until next time,


What's new at Middle School?

Cell Phone Policy
This year, students’ cell phones will be collected during homebase and returned near the end of the last class period. 

Alma Parent Portal
Access to Alma, our learning management system, is now available. Alma allows you to check class schedules, contact staff, and review grading information. I highly encourage families to set aside time once per week to review students’ grades and the status of assignment submissions together. If you are new to ECS, check your inbox (or spam folder) for an email from notifications@getalma.com sent on August 5th for instructions on how to activate your account. If you are returning and did not previously activate your account or forgot your password, you can request a link to reset your password by emailing helpdesk@ecspgh.org.

In Case You Missed It

HOLD for the virtual orientation recording link; the session is Tuesday evening.

Last Month’s Hawk Highlights

Check back next month!

Dr. Jaleah Robinson
Middle School Principal

Email: jaleah.robinson@ecspgh.org

Phone: x559

Important Dates this Month

08/15: Meet and Greet, 5:30-7:30 PM

08/17: Board of Trustees Meeting at 6 p.m. at Middle School

08/25: PCO Meeting at Middle School at 6 p.m.

09/4: Expect to receive your Sept. District Newsletter

09/5: No School–Labor Day!

09/7: PCO Volunteer and Activity Fair at 6 p.m. at Intermediate School