Kitchen supply donations needed for ECS staff lounges by Feb. 16
The PCO is coordinating a much-needed refresh of items in the staff lounges and we're asking for your help! Here's the wishlist of gently used items that would make staff breaks a little more enjoyable (don't worry about duplicates since we'll sell what's not used at the ECS yard sale fundraiser):
Microwave-safe bowls
Silverware, particularly spoons and forksInsulated coffee mugsMicrowaveIce makerHard boiled egg makerPanini press
We're also in need of:
Non-refrigerated coffee creamers
Tea bags
Hot chocolate packs
Please drop off your donations by:
Feb. 9, 2024, at Game Night at the ECS Intermediate School
Feb. 16, 2024, at your student's school main office in the designated box or bag
To donate, please tell us here what you're contributing and where you'll drop it off.
Thank you for your generosity.
Please reach out to Ashley Paulisick at with any questions.