Intermediate School January Newsletter (22–23)

Laura Williams
Intermediate School Principal


Phone: x205

Important Dates

12/23-01/4: Winter Break

01/5: Students return from Winter Break

01/12: PCO Meeting at 6 p.m. at Intermediate School

01/13: Deadline to volunteer for Career Day

01/16: No School, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

01/18: Board of Trustees Meeting at 6 p.m. at Middle School

01/23: End of Quarter 2

01/26: ECHS Construction: Family and Staff Reception at 6:30 p.m. in the Middle School Cafe

01/27: ½ Day - Dismissal is at 11:20

01/27: K-5 Ice Skating Night at Schenley Park at 4 p.m.

02/02: Report Cards Available in Alma

Dear ECS Intermediate School Families,

As we enter 2023, I have high expectations and hopes for what we can accomplish together for our children.  We are committed to providing students with rich educational and social experiences.  Our goal is that these experiences will ignite their creativity and advocacy and empower them toward their own individual growth, resulting in the development of our school community.  I’m looking forward to our continued collaboration so that our children will have an amazing rest of the year.


Laura Williams
Intermediate School Principal

What’s new at the Intermediate School?

Pittsburgh Arts and Lectures’s Feb. 2 Event
Natasha Anastasia Tarpley returns with a breakout new picture book series all about Keyana, the protagonist of her bestselling title I Love My Hair!, and the people and places she adores. Attend in person or virtually…

K-5 SEL & Counseling Lesson Updates
During December SEL lessons, teachers focused on empathy and kindness. In the new year, we will continue on this theme and will reboot discussions around helpful coping skills and how to use tools responsibly in the Relaxation Station. PAAR educators will also be joining classrooms to talk about bullying prevention and consent/healthy boundaries.

Enrollment Information
Have a sibling that would like to attend ECS for the 2023-24 school year? Please complete an application by logging in to your SchoolMint account and pressing the add new student application. The application deadline for sibling preference is January 31st.

If you already completed an application for a sibling, thank you!

Current students do not need to apply. Re-enrollment information will be sent to all current families in March.

"A sibling is defined as one of two or more individuals having at least one common parent/guardian. Sibling preference does not guarantee enrollment."

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Student Services Changes at the Intermediate School
We wanted to inform you that there has been a change in our Student Services Team at the Intermediate School.  Cylie Snyder, our Counselor, will no longer be working at the Intermediate School.  Please find below some parting words from Ms. Snyder.  We wish her all the best.  We have internally come up with procedures to provide counseling support in her absence.  As always, If you have any questions or need to reach out to the school while we look to fill the position, please contact your child’s homebase teacher.

Hi ECS Intermediate Family,

I am sad to share that I will be moving on to another opportunity and not returning as the ECS Intermediate School Counselor following Winter Break.  However, I look forward to hearing about the amazing things you continue to do as you grow into safe, kind, and responsible citizens.  Please know that I will miss everyone and it has been so rewarding to work for ECS since 2019.  

I hope that you have a relaxing Winter Break and make the rest of the 2022-2023 school year one to remember!

As always, warmly,

Cylie Snyder

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

Our ECS community is made up of many different cultures!  Once a week during Morning Meeting, we take some time to celebrate cultures, traditions, and world events.  During this month we are celebrating the New Year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and the Lunar New Year. 

In Case You Missed It

View the Intermediate Food Allergy Flier_2022.2023

  • Control of head lice in our school depends on prompt diagnosis and effective treatment. Your help in inspecting your child weekly throughout the school year for the presence of head lice would be greatly appreciated. Please note that whole grade head checks are not completed when lice is detected as this practice has shown to be non productive. (Nurses will check locker and table mates, and any child scratching their head.)

    We suggest the following procedures for inspecting your child for head lice:

    1. Under bright light begin looking at the back of the head just above the neck area.

    2. Part the hair section by section and look closely for head lice or nits (eggs). Eggs will usually be located near the scalp.

    3. Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, it should take between 5 and 15 minutes to properly inspect a child's head.

    Please wash your child’s coat, book bag, and anything else that stays at school. If a child complains that his or her head itches at school, a head check will be completed by the nurse. Please inform the school if your child contracts head lice so the nurses can check close contacts. Lice have a short life span of 24-48 hours when off of a host. Students with lice may return to school after the first treatment has been completed.

    If you have questions or need additional information, please speak with your pediatrician.

  • Arrival: Students being brought to school by car, bike, or on foot will be accepted at the Henrietta Street entrance between 8–8:20 a.m.

    The front door will close at 8:20.

    Please use the visitor parking spaces on Milton Street, adjacent to Turtle Park, if you must park your car during student arrival. Please do not park in front of the school or on Milton Street.

    Please avoid obstructing neighbors’ driveways.

    Please be aware of cyclists in and around Regent Square.

    Please do not make a U-turn on Henrietta street (the street in front of the building) or turn left on Milton. Instead, please continue straight down Henrietta and turn left on LaClair.

    If you arrive after 8:20, please bring your student to the front door and ring the bell. The office manager will confirm the receipt of your child and they will have you sign in at the table in the foyer. Your child will report to the office and will receive a pass to class.

    Dismissal: Student dismissal begins at 3:20 and concludes at 3:50 p.m.

    Do not stop or park in front of the school or on Milton Street. Please park on the east side of South Braddock Avenue.

    All dismissal transportation changes have to be submitted to by 11 a.m. of the effective date. Please arrange for early dismissals prior to picking your child up. All early dismissals pick ups must be completed by 2:50 p.m. Once at the school, please ring the front doorbell and ask the office manager for your child. Your child will meet you at the front door

    All pick-up students will be dismissed from the side exit of the school building, next to Turtle Park.

    Dismissals from the office are for pre-arranged early dismissals only. Please pick your child up from the designated dismissal location outside of the school.

    Make sure that your child has checked in with the staff member assigned to their dismissal prior to leaving.

    Please avoid obstructing neighbors’ driveways.

    Please be aware of cyclists in and around Regent Square.

    During severe weather incidents (such as thunderstorms) parents may pick up students from the school gym.

    Please do not make a U-turn on Henrietta Street or turn left on Milton. Instead, please continue straight down Henrietta and turn left on LaClair.

  • Intermediate School students are dismissed at 11:20 a.m. on half days.

Intermediate School Hawk Highlights From Last Month!

The Zoo Mobile visited 3rd Grade!