High School January Newsletter (22–23)

Kari Vissichelli
High School Principal

Email: kari.vissichelli@ecspgh.org

Phone: x4401

Important Dates this Month

12/23-01/4: Winter Break

01/5: Students return from Winter Break

01/12: PCO Meeting at 6 p.m. at Intermediate School

01/13: Deadline to volunteer for Career Day

01/16: No School, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

01/18: Board of Trustees Meeting at 6 p.m. at Middle School

01/23: End of Quarter 2

01/26: ECHS Construction: Family and Staff Reception at 6:30 p.m. in the Middle School Cafe

01/27: ½ Day & Holocaust Remembrance Day

02/02: Report Cards Available in Alma

Dear High School Families, 

Can you believe it is already 2023?! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a very happy New Year! It was lovely spending some extended time with my family, which I hope you were also able to enjoy! 

The end of a year is often a time for reflection and resolutions. I find that setting goals and creating resolutions is a great way to learn more about yourself and your aspirations. We will spend time in CREW this month working on our resolutions for the remainder of this school year. Be on the lookout for what your student shared in next month’s newsletter.

In last month's newsletter, I spoke about a survey for families to take in order to find a time to meet that works for the majority of families. Please click on this link to do just that! I will also be sending this link via Alma. Please complete it no later than January 11th. I am hoping to plan something for the end of this month!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out!

Kari Vissichelli

High School Principal

What's new at the High School?

December Student of the Month
Each month we will be celebrating one student from each grade level for their dedication to education and exhibiting all four ECHS character traits. During the month of December, our 9th grade student of the month was Tyrell Pollard. Our 10th grade student was Cyniah Farmer. And lastly, our 11th grade student was Mercedes Montano.

Instrumental Concert
On Tuesday, December 20th, seven wonderful high school students performed at the middle school to showcase their musical talents. Congratulations and job well done to Bex Brier, Jordan Means, Kennedy Minder-Staley, Ethan Newton, Francis Sparrowen, Nevins Taylor Hufford, and Nate Walls. Special congratulations to Dr. Weston for working tirelessly to prepare his students for this event. Special shout out to Mr. Herward and his son George for their rendition of Blue Christmas!

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

In the month of January, we focus on two historic events. On January 16th, we recognize the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. January 27th is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Both events will have a plethora of activities that students engage in. Look out for info and pictures in next month’s newsletter!

In Case You Missed It

Half-Day Dismissal is at 11:38 a.m.

Enrollment News - Sibling Preference
Have a sibling that would like to attend ECS for the 2023-24 school year? Please complete an application by logging in to your SchoolMint account and pressing the add new student application. The application deadline for sibling preference is January 31st.


If you already completed an application for a sibling, thank you!


Current students do not need to apply. Re-enrollment information will be sent to all current families in March.


"A sibling is defined as one of two or more individuals having at least one common parent/guardian. Sibling preference does not guarantee enrollment."


If you have any questions, please reach out to enrollment@ecspgh.org.