Inclement Weather Pumpkin Parade Procedures

Please note the following rain plans for the Pumpkin Parade based on your student’s building. If there is no rain at the time of your student’s Pumpkin Parade, please proceed with your building’s original plan.

In the event of heavy rain, we will have to cancel our outdoor parade. However, we will continue with our original plan if there is light/moderate rain. Please send your child with appropriate rain protection on Friday, Oct. 29.

In the event of rain on Friday, October 29, the Intermediate School’s Pumpkin Parade will be held at the school building and will begin at 10 a.m. The students will exit the front door of the school and will make a right to walk down the sidewalk along the driveway towards the backlot area. The students will continue to walk through the back lot until they reach the back door of the school and will proceed into the school building. Parents and guardians can observe the parade from Turtle Park.  Pick-ups will occur along the driveway of Turtle Park.  

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