End of the First 9 week Health & Wellness Check

Dear ECS Families, 

Wednesday marked the end of the first nine weeks of the 21-22 school year, and in light of the difficulties we continue to face due to the pandemic, we are proud of our district’s accomplishments and celebrate the dedication, hard work, and resiliency that got us to today. We believe that it is important as a community to recognize that the pandemic has challenged each of us in a variety of ways including disruptions to daily life and changes in student and adult behaviors. Together, we are creating an environment that combats both the physical and mental hazards of COVID-19 and builds on the tenacity, strength, and connections of the ECS community. 

As we reflect on the first nine weeks of five days a week, in-person learning since the start of the pandemic and step into the second nine weeks, we are checking in and sincerely asking “How are you?”

To promote the health, wellness, and safety of our students, we would like to remind you of the several resources offered at ECS. Our dedicated student services team includes a health office nurse and counselor in every building, three social workers, and a high school career and college counselor, all of which can meet with you and your student to address any concerns. If your student is struggling with anything at all, some of the resources below may be of additional assistance. 

Utilize the “Parent” Tab on ecspgh.org
The “Parent” tab covers a variety of web pages that provide information ranging from food service to student service resources. Browse through the “Health Services,” “Counseling,” and “Social Work” pages to review resources easily.

Safe to Say
Safe2Say Something is an easy and confidential way to report safety concerns, and educators, parents, students, and community members are able to submit anonymous tips through the program.  Members of the ECS family are encouraged to say something to a trusted adult or use its anonymous reporting system, and posters about Safe to Say Something are located throughout the buildings.

Student Assistance Program (SAP)
In Pennsylvania, every school district is required to have a plan for identifying and assisting students who experience barriers to learning. A SAP team, made up of school and agency staff, is available to help you access school and community services for your child. Learn more...

Monthly Java with Jon and James
Grab a cup of joe, and join Mr. McCann and Dr. Doyle via Google Meet the second Wednesday of every month to chat about district-level information, share feedback, and ask questions. The next Java with Jon and James is on Wednesday, Nov. 10 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Join Here!

Finally, please share any questions or concerns directly with ECS by reaching out to your building principal or replying to an email at any time. We are here for you and your student, and together, it is our collective duty to empower our students, encourage healthy peer relationships, and exist as trusted adults at home and school for the welfare and development of students’ emotional resiliency.  

Warm Regards, 

Jon McCann, CEO

Amanda Cribbs, EdD, Superintendent 

Jon McCann

Email: jon.mccann@ecspgh.org

Phone: X302

Dr. Amanda Cribbs

Email: mandy.cribbs@ecspgh.org

Phone: x557