Inclement Weather Instructions (22–23 SY)

Dear ECS Families,

As we leave for the Thanksgiving Break and with the colder weather becoming more prevalent, ECS would like to share its plan for inclement weather days for the 2022–2023 school year.

Similar to last year, if ECS closes its buildings due to inclement weather, all students will engage in virtual learning from home unless otherwise noted. Students will have opportunities for both synchronous and asynchronous learning. Families in grades K–5 should keep an eye out for communications from their teacher with a learning plan for the day of the cancellation, and students in grades 6–12 will utilize Google Classroom to view their schedule and work. 

If your student experiences difficulties logging in to school accounts, please reach out to ECS’s technology team by emailing Finally, please review the information below to learn more about ECS’s winter weather procedures:

When will ECS call a closure, delay, or early dismissal?

  • ECS usually follows PPS when making the decision about school closings, however, if PPS is not making the call and conditions are worsening, ECS will send an alert.

  • If building conditions are not conducive to student learning, ECS will close buildings.

How will ECS communicate with families?

  • ECS will notify families of weather-related cancellations, delays, and early dismissals via its Alma alert system. Based on families’ selected communication preferences, ECS will issue a phone call or text message to the phone number listed in Alma.

  • ECS encourages all families to log into their Alma account to ensure their phone numbers are up-to-date. If you have difficulties logging in or forget your Alma credentials, please email

  • As always, ECS is dedicated to communicating closures, delays, and cancellations in a timely manner and through several channels including phone/text, social media, website, and local news stations. ECS will prioritize sending an Alma alert directly to families before posting on additional outlets.

How do closures, delays, and early dismissals affect transportation?

  • If ECS delays school and the student’s home school district does not, transportation will not be available.

  • If the student’s home school district closes and ECS does not, transportation will not be available.

  • If the student’s home school district delays school and ECS does not, students will arrive at ECS delayed based on their home school district’s schedule.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Thank you for your attention to this information as we work to ensure the continuation of learning through the winter months and weather.


Deana Callipare
ECS Communications