High School Dec. Newsletter (21–22)

Dear High School Families, 

I hope everyone had a restful fall break and was able to safely spend time with family and friends. As the holiday season continues, I am looking forward to getting out and seeing all of the festive lights and decorations on display. A new family favorite has been the drive-thru light shows, like the Zoo Lights Drive-Thru at the Pittsburgh Zoo. Here is a list of events to explore throughout the city over the coming weeks.

With colder weather arriving, it is important to make sure students have dressed appropriately for the conditions. If any families are in need of proper winter outerwear, there is a kids coat giveaway Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Use the link to register and reserve coats. In addition, if you need any other holiday assistance, please complete this form so that we may try to help out our ECS community in whatever way we can. As always, thank you for all that you do to help our students be successful. I am wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday season. 


Cornell McCree

What's new at the High School?

Students will have a CLAW day on Friday, Dec. 17, 2021. CLAW days are at-home full personal practice days for our high school students. While students are at home learning, teachers will use this time to meet, plan, and continue to build positive school culture. CLAW stands for:

C: Catch up - This is a time for students who are behind in coursework to catch up and submit assignments. While not every student is behind in their work, we want this to be a day of learning for all students.

L: Learn - Learning is important! We want students who are caught up to review their coursework to ensure they are working towards mastering standards. 

A: Adjust  - Students should take time to organize themselves and materials to be successful for the remainder of the year. 

W: Work - This is not a day for video games or extended napping. Please encourage your students to use their time wisely to get caught up so they can be successful. 

Basketball Team
Congratulations to the members of our first high school basketball team. Practice will begin this week with scheduled games to follow in the coming weeks. Thank you to Mr. Rutherford and Mr. Heyman for organizing and coaching our inaugural basketball season. 

Canned Food and Toiletries Drive
The 9th Grade Geometry class has organized a canned food drive. If you are able to help, please send in non-perishable canned food items and toiletries that will go to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. The food drive will run until December 23, 2021.

December Connect Cards
Students will be allotted the following on their Connect Cards for December. There will NOT be a monthly pass loaded in December.

  • December 1,2, &3 - $21.00 total for fares (allows for two trips each day plus one transfer each trip)

  • Week of December 5 - weekly pass

  • Week of December 12 - weekly pass

  • Week of December 19 - weekly pass

  • Week of December 26 - no pass as school is not in session

In Case You Missed It

COVID-19 Pooled Testing
Pooled COVID-19 testing began last month and will be ongoing during the pandemic. Students will be called over the loudspeaker to come to the cafe for testing. We will do each grade separately. Testing will be every Monday, with follow-up testing if needed on Wednesday. Please complete the Consent Form (Code: T5ZUMZ) to have your student participate.

Mask Reminders
Just a quick reminder all students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear masks inside at all times, except while eating. Please make sure to review our updated mask policy for additional details.

Excused Absence Form
Please use this new excused absence form when your student misses school. We check this regularly to make sure our records accurately represent your student's attendance.

Enrollment for the 22–23 School Year is Open
Siblings Preference: Please complete an application for any siblings of current students that would like to attend ECS for the 2022–23 school year. Current students do not need to apply, and ECS will send re-enrollment information to all current families in January.Learn more about sibling preference…

High School Hawk Highlights

  • ECHS Tree Planting with Council Woman, Deb Gross. Read more…

  • The Hawk Basketball team had their first scrimmage!

Cornell McCree
High School Principal

Email: cornell.mccree@ecspgh.org

Phone: x581

Important Dates this Month

12/03: ½ day for students

12/08: Progress reports available for families (tentative)

12/17: CLAW Day, No school for HS students

12/22/21: Virtual Learning Opt-in Deadline

12/23: ½ day for students, Winter Vacation

12/24-12/31: No School, Winter Vacation