High School August Newsletter (23–24)

Dr. Abriana Leeper
Acting High School Principal

Email: abriana.leeper@ecspgh.org

Phone: x4401

Important Dates this Month

8/17: Meet and Greet from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

8/22: First Day of School

08/28-08/30: Fall CDT Testing

9/1: Spirit Day - Wear Green or your ECS Gear!

9/4: No School - Labor Day

9/6: PCO Picnic at Turtle Park at 5 p.m.

9/6: PCO Meeting at Intermediate School at 6 p.m.

Dear ECHS High School Families and Students,

Welcome Back to what promises to be another incredible school year at ECHS! I have missed you all so very much! I hope everyone was able to rest, relax and enjoy all this sunshine because you’re going to need it! We're gearing up for a journey that builds upon the successes of last year and propels us even further towards excellence. I'm absolutely thrilled to embark on this adventure with each and every one of you. 

This year holds a special place in our hearts as we proudly welcome our inaugural senior class! It's a milestone that speaks to the growth and progress we've achieved together. 

The heart of our excitement, however, lies in reuniting with our amazing high school homies – all 180 of you and all your wonderful families that are represented. As we stand on the threshold of this new academic year, it's crucial to reflect on the core principles all ECHS administration and staff feel define us and our collective goals. Our mission is to provide equitable education for all, transcending racial, gender, and socio-economic barriers. We're dedicated to breaking down barriers that have historically marginalized and hindered access to education, particularly for our Black, Brown, and economically disadvantaged students.

Throughout this year, our actions and initiatives will be firmly rooted in four guiding principles that underpin our commitment to excellence and equity in education:

  • Student-Centric Approach: Our students are at the heart of everything we do. Their growth, well-being, and development are our top priorities, influencing every decision and action we take.

  • Unlocking Brilliance: We recognize that every student enters our halls with untapped potential. Our goal is to nurture their unique talents and create an environment where they can thrive and flourish.

  • Unwavering High Expectations: We set the bar high for ourselves and our students. These expectations serve as catalysts for us to achieve greatness, pushing us to realize our fullest potential.

  • Firm Belief in all Students Success: We deeply believe in the capabilities of our students. This conviction drives us to provide opportunities that empower them to chase their dreams and succeed in every endeavor. 

As we journey forward, let's also embrace the Superintendent's Priorities for the 2023-2024 school year: Equity in Mathematics, Academic Equity, and Equity in Culture. These priorities will be seamlessly woven into our educational fabric, ensuring that every member of our community thrives and contributes to a diverse and inclusive environment.

At ECHS, we recognize that education is more than just a pathway to jobs – it's a gateway to true freedom. Myself and our new Assistant Principal Mrs. Ruffus are excited to partner with all of you as we move into another school year, another year of opportunity. As we always say together, you are all amazing humans, and everything you need to succeed is already in you. You're equipped with the tools you need, and our support systems are here to bolster your efforts. Your commitment is the driving force behind our achievements.

Here's to a year of excellence, equity, and the pursuit of brilliance.

Kind Regards,

Dr. Abriana Leeper
High School Principal

What's new at the High School?

We have new teachers at ECHS! Please be sure to give a warm welcome to our new staff.

  • Rebecca Liddle is joining us as our new Building Substitute!

  • Alanah Aquino is joining us as a new Learning Support teacher! 

  • Samantha Fanelli is joining us as our new Studio 4/Capstone teacher!

Freshmen Orientation
Freshman Orientation will occur on Aug. 22 for a half day of school (8 to 11:38 a.m.). Parents/guardians are expected to stay until 9:30 a.m. for an information session. Following the information session, students will navigate a shortened schedule to get familiar with their teachers and classes, get their photos taken, and receive their Chromebook. RSVP HERE.

Mandatory Senior Orientation
Senior Orientation is mandatory and will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the high school. Students and parents/guardians are required to attend. RSVP HERE.

Students of the Month
Each month, ECHS celebrates one student from each grade level for their dedication to education and for exhibiting all four ECHS character traits. Follow along each month.

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

We are adding a few more celebrations this year to sustain more cultures in our community including Hispanic Heritage Month which starts on September 15th. Students will dive into Hispanic Culture and the diversity of experiences across the culture. 

In Case You Missed It

Here is a copy of the ECHS Student Handbook for the 23-24 school year.

  • NEW! Family Portal on the ECS Website
    Based on feedback from last year’s communication survey, ECS has identified areas of improvement on the website. ECS is pleased to launch its Family Portal, a designated space for current families to view and learn information. Browse the Family Portal.

    Volunteering & Clearances
    ECS values volunteers in our district. To learn how to volunteer and what clearances are needed visit the Family Portal Volunteer page.

    ALMA- ECS’s Parent Portal
    Alma account activation emails for new families were sent Friday, 8/11/23. If you have not received an activation email or are returning to ECS and have forgotten your Alma username or password, please send an email to the ECS Help Desk.

    Be sure to check your and your student(s)' information in Alma and let us know if anything needs updated. New students and 5th graders will receive their Alma login credentials once they have returned to school.

    Receive Board Meeting Reminders Did you know that ECS has monthly Board of Trustees meetings? Opt-In to receive Board Meeting Reminders that will include the date, time, and location of the meeting as well as links to the agenda draft, sign up to speak form, and YouTube Live feed.

    Receive Board of Trustees Meeting Reminders

ECHS Hawk Highlights from Last Month! 

Check back next month!