ECS December 2021 News

Dear ECS Families, 

Happy Holidays! This is always a marvelous and magical time of the year as students learn more about different cultural celebrations. There are several holidays and celebrations that arise in December that students explore including Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, and Christmas. December is also a natural time for reflection and to make new year's resolutions as the year wraps up.

December is a massive commitment for many, and in the midst of all of the joys, a great deal of stress can also sneak its way into our lives. As we journey through the end of 2021, ECS is here to support you and your family. In the coming weeks, you will receive a list of resources from the student services team to assist you and your family if you are ever in need of additional support. However, please feel free to reach out to your building’s school counselor or social worker at any time.

While December is overwhelming at times, it is a wonderful time to relax, recharge, spend quality time with family and friends, and live sustainably! This holiday season, I encourage each of you to reflect on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and integrate them into your family’s traditions. Browse local shops for holiday gifts to help keep our community economically sustainable, be responsible for consumption and production by finding alternative methods for wrapping and purchasing gifts, volunteer your time, or purchase experiences and gifts that provide educational opportunities.

Above all, maintain good health and well-being. If you are gathering with friends and family, remember COVID safety procedures, and be safe.

Be Well,

Jon McCann

What’s New at ECS?

Second Semester Virtual Learning Opt-In with Waterfront Learning
Students who wish to opt-in to virtual learning with Waterfront Learning for the second semester of the school year must do so by Wednesday, Dec. 22. Learn more about the program or opt-in...

Student Career Month
ECS is hosting a virtual Career Month during February and is looking for volunteers to present to students to support career awareness with a focus on diverse careers that have been underrepresented in the past including presenters of color, women, entrepreneurs, and trade jobs. Interested in participating? Please complete the form by Friday, Jan. 7.

After School Programs
ECS was pleased to have approximately 35% of the district’s students participate in after-school enrichment opportunities this Fall.

Have an idea for an after-school program or want to lead an activity? Reach out to Kristan Abeshouse, manager of partnerships, family engagement, and the student experience, for more information. Thank you for your continued support and dedication!

What’s Happening in Your Building?

Hear from your building’s principal and learn what’s happening in your student’s building through their online newsletter. 

Primary School

Intermediate School

Middle School

High School

In Case You Missed It!

Enrollment for the 22–23 School Year is Open

Siblings Preference: Please complete an application for any siblings of current students that would like to attend ECS for the 2022–23 school year. Current students do not need to apply, and ECS will send re-enrollment information to all current families in January. Learn more about sibling preference...


Java with Jon and James

Grab a cup of joe, and join Mr. McCann and Dr. Doyle via Google Meet the second Wednesday of every month to chat about district-level information, share feedback, and ask questions. The next Java with Jon and James is on Wednesday, Dec. 8 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Join here.

Jon McCann


Phone: x302