COVID Procedure Updates (10/20/21)

Dear ECS Families,

I hope this message finds you well, and you are enjoying the fall season. As we head into the cooler months, several questions have arisen regarding the criteria for school closures and other COVID-19 protocols. ECS is dedicated to remaining open, however, I wanted to provide an update around COVID-19 procedures including information on the criteria in which a classroom, grade level, or building would close due to COVID-19 spread. Please take a moment to review each section below carefully as your knowledge of the content and response to it is important to ECS’s mitigation efforts and continuity of learning.

Finally, I’m pleased to announce the ECS has successfully conducted pooled testing at our Middle School building, and we are continuing these testing efforts at our Intermediate and High School locations this week. Pooled testing is a layered mitigation strategy that helps ECS stay open for in-person learning. By consenting to have your student tested at school, ECS is able to detect COVID-19 earlier and prevent additional spread. With this in mind, if you have yet to consent to your student participating in pooled testing, please review my previous message about pooled testing and sign your student up.

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Amanda Cribbs, EdD

What’s New at ECS?

Criteria for School Closures

ECS is dedicated to keeping its doors open for in-person learning. However, the health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority. ECS outlined the following guidelines for closures at the classroom, grade, and school building levels. Please note that the following criteria will only be used as recourse in conjunction with the Allegheny County Department of Health’s recommendations.

Closure Length

A closure may last up to 10 days from last day that the most recent positive case occurred in a school building

Classroom Closure

  • Closure occurs when there are 3 or more positive cases within 14 days


  • Contact tracing cannot adequately identify close contacts

Grade Level Closure

  • Closure of full grade occurs when 3 classrooms close due to having 3 or more positive cases in each room within 14 days


  • 5% of the grade level is positive within 14 days


  • Contact tracing cannot adequately identify close contacts

Full School Building Closure

  • Closure of an entire school building occurs when 5% of the building is positive within 14 days


  • Contact tracing cannot adequately identify close contacts

This information is also listed on the ECS COVID-19 Dashboard and Information Center under ECS COVID-19 Prevention Strategies.

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for 5–11-Year-Olds
ECS is finalizing logistics regarding a vaccine clinic for 5–11-year-olds and will tentatively host the clinic at the Intermediate School during the week of Nov. 1 pending CDC approval and access to supplies. Please note that a parent/guardian must sign their child up for an appointment to grant consent in order for their student to receive the vaccine, and this clinic will occur during the evening to allow a caregiver to attend with their student.

Check your email on Monday, Oct. 25 for more information and a link to book your appointment.

Technology Resilience Survey
ECS is committed to ensuring the smooth transition between in-person learning and short-term virtual learning for students who must quarantine due to exposure to or contraction of the COVID-19 virus. Please complete the survey below to help ECS examine our technology-based resiliency and better understand students' needs if they must participate in short-term virtual learning due to quarantine. Your response will allow ECS to provide your student with a device and other technology needs in the event they must quarantine and miss in-person instruction.

Complete the Survey

In Case You Missed It

Updated COVID-19 Symptom Checks
An updated list of COVID-19 symptoms to screen your student is now available. You can locate this information on the COVID-19 Dashboard and Information Center by clicking on the COVID-19 Screening Tool icon.

Thank you for Following COVID-19 Protocols from the Health Services Team
The health services team is thankful for the continued support and mitigation efforts displayed by ECS parents and guardians as keeping ill students home and getting them tested if recommended helps keep all of our students and staff safe and healthy. Thank you!

Review ECS’s Health and Safety Plans and Policies
ECS also encourages families to review the plans and policies below frequently with students. This information can also be found on the ECS COVID Dashboard and Information Center page under information and prevention.

Dr. Amanda Cribbs


Phone: x557