ECHS Construction Update: November 2022

Jon McCann


Phone: x302

Dear ECS Stakeholders,

I am poised to write to you today at the beginning of the construction phase of the new ECS high school project. COVID-19’s impact may have slowed our overall progress, but today, I celebrate the district being closer than ever to the construction of this one-of-a-kind, high-performing green school. 

While the pandemic was certainly a barrier to the timely completion of the building, it also gifted ECS additional time to re-evaluate how our new school will support students in a post-pandemic world. With that in mind, dedicated individuals worked behind the scenes for more than two years to ensure that the space is beautifully mission-aligned, a marvelous representation of the district’s past, present, and future, and an extraordinary learning environment that will inspire students to grow, explore their curiosities, and graduate as global citizens.

Throughout the next several months, I will share construction updates and how the new high school building will connect to ECS’s unique curriculum and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As mentioned in the November Newsletter, ECS is in the bidding phase to find the construction company that will build the actual building. To find the perfect fit for this job, organizations are provided with a number of materials including the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR), a document developed and socialized with ECS partner, Auros Group. 

With the OPR in hand, construction companies will understand the full scope of the project and ECS’s vision for the final product. The bidding phase is slated for completion in early 2023, and the district looks forward to analyzing the incoming bids. To help you follow along with this process, ECS has created the Past, Present, Future ECHS Construction Project webpage. There you will find the most up-to-date information, timelines, frequently asked questions, and more.

Before I conclude today’s update, I want to touch on the building’s connection to UN Sustainable Development Goal 1, No Poverty. While there are several types of poverty to combat, the new ECHS building strives to have elements that tackle the lack of resources and access for not only students and families but also the community. The new building will incorporate state-of-the-art technology that will allow for high-speed internet access and programming that will promote responsible use of resources, outdoor learning spaces that will potentially double as gardens, and a learning kitchen that community members will have access to outside of school hours.  

I look forward to sharing more updates regarding the high school construction project next month and beyond. 

Be Well,

Jon McCann

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