WQED is in the Neighborhood

ECS is excited to inform you that through an ongoing partnership with WQED, the Intermediate School was selected as a filming location on Thursday, Sept. 23, 2021. Video segments taken from the Intermediate School will appear on the PBS television channel frequently over the next several weeks, and these spots will highlight student excellence and success here at ECS.  

The Intermediate School’s close proximity to Frick Park combined with its excellent outdoor spaces such as the gardens and Turtle Park made it an ideal location to feature students and the district. ECS has a long-standing relationship with WQED with its mission echoing ECS’s dedication to providing high-quality education. 

WQED is currently working with ECS staff members to develop a comprehensive media and production curriculum in ECS’s 6–12 grades, and through this connection, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase our students and the Intermediate School on a more public-facing level. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out

We look forward to sharing this experience with you and your children. 


Laura Williams

Laura Williams
Intermediate School Principal

Email: laura.williams@ecspgh.org

Phone: x205