Winter Storm Forecast

Updated on 2/2/22 at 3:20 p.m.

ECS was alerted that all PPS transportation has been canceled tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 3. Due to PPS transporting most of our students, ECS must call a virtual instruction day. Students will learn virtually Thursday, Feb. 3 and Friday, Feb. 4. Please note that all after-school programs are canceled on Thursday and Friday. Staff may work remotely, but the buildings will be opened on Thursday if anyone wishes to work from school. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.


ECS has received an update from the National Weather Service regarding a Winter Storm Watch in effect for later this week, and to ensure the safety of our students and staff, I wanted to share with you some proactive measures ECS is taking ahead of the storm.

Based on expected ice accumulation on the roads and the already scheduled half-day, ECS is proactively calling Friday, Feb. 4, 2022, a virtual half-day for all students. Staff is permitted to work virtually on Friday as well.

ECS is keeping a close watch as this storm develops, and the district will strive to communicate any changes for Thursday, Feb. 3 prior to 5 a.m. tomorrow if conditions are hazardous. Please keep an eye on your phone and email for more information. Thank you for your understanding. Please stay safe.


Dr. James Doyle

Chief Operating Officer

Dr. James Doyle


Phone: x318