Volunteer for the ECS Board Communications Task Force

The ECS Board of Trustees is seeking volunteers to join the Board Communications Task Force. The purpose of this task force is to evaluate and recommend options for more direct communications between the ECS Board of Trustees and various ECS stakeholder groups with the goal of presenting recommendations at the August 18, 2021 Board Meeting. The Board Communications Task Force will consist of eight volunteers as outlined below:

The task force will be made up of four caregivers/parents, two teachers/staff members, one administrator, and one board member.

Volunteers are automatically selected for the task force if the number of volunteers equals the number of spaces in each stakeholder group listed above. In the event there are not enough, or there are more volunteers, in any of the stakeholder groups, members of the task force will be decided as follows:

  1. If there are insufficient volunteers from any stakeholder group, an identified party recruits the requisite number of participants from that stakeholder group. The identified parties are as follows: the PCO recruits volunteers for parents, the union recruits for teachers/staff, the CEO recruits for the admin, and the board chair recruits for the board.

  2. If there are more volunteers than there are slots for a specific stakeholder group, those volunteers from that stakeholder group are put in touch with each other and must elect who will represent the stakeholder group on the task force.

The eight members are tasked to devise plans and processes to include as many voices as possible before making their recommendations in order to best represent the diversity of all ECS stakeholders. For more information on the ECS Board of Trustees task force guidelines, please reference the Board Bylaws https://ecspgh.org/s/ECS-Board-By-Laws.pdf.

Anyone interested should reach out by Wednesday, April 14, 2021.