Navigating Changes and Closures

Dear ECS Families, 

This week, the district has experienced several closures of grade levels and buildings due to staffing shortages caused by COVID-19 related issues. This new surge of cases has created another wave of uncertainty, and district administrators continue to navigate these bumpy waters with students’ and staff’s best interests in mind. 

I recognize that these disruptions to in-person learning are far from ideal, and I fully empathize with the difficulties associated with these continual changes. While it is our sincere wish to have students in the buildings to learn, an appropriate amount of staff must be present to maintain safe operations. 

ECS is working diligently to provide substitutions for staff who must call off due to sickness, however, the administration is often informed with no lead time which, unfortunately, results in last-minute notifications to families if a closure must occur. 

With these disruptions combined with the possibility of bus driver shortages and/or weather-related emergencies, all families must be prepared for possible short notice changes, closures, and the likelihood of virtual learning. Please know that everyone at ECS is working tirelessly to alleviate the immense strain felt across our system and provide a consistent learning environment for students. Your flexibility is greatly appreciated as ECS continuously collaborates district-wide to minimize closures and alert families of any changes as quickly as possible.

Please continue to monitor your email, phone calls, and the website for information regarding COVID-19. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s building principal. 

Thank you for your understanding and support while ECS works through this additional hurdle of the pandemic.


Dr. James Doyle
Chief Operating Officer

Dr. James Doyle


Phone: x318