Safety and Procedure Reminders Prior to Break

Dear ECS Families, 

Fall break is right around the corner, and ECS understands that this is a wonderful opportunity to travel, spend time with friends and family, and enjoy a much deserved break. Before we leave on November 24, please take a moment to review our COVID-19 safety procedures and other important information. Your knowledge and commitment to these procedures will help ECS maintain a safe environment and the continuity of learning. 

ECS Travel Policy
For an individual to be considered fully vaccinated, two weeks must have passed since the second dose of Pfizer/Moderna or 2 weeks after one dose of J&J. Any individual planning to travel domestically who is not fully vaccinated must provide a negative PCR test prior to returning to an ECS facility. If traveling, please refer to the ECS Travel Policy and graphic, and reach out to your building nurse to inform them of your plans.

COVID-19 Symptoms
ECS recommends that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, self monitor for COVID-19 symptoms before, during, and after traveling or gatherings. Below is information regarding self screening and symptoms of COVID-19.

If your student has symptoms of COVID-19, reach out to your child’s PCP for further instruction. If your student gets tested for COVID-19, please keep your student home until you receive the test results even if their symptoms have subsided

Updated CDC Guidelines for Determining a Close Contact at School
The CDC recently updated its guidelines for how close contacts are determined in a school setting. Review the CDC guidelines here.

ECS Board Approved Health and Safety Plan
Please take a moment to review the ECS Board Approved Health and Safety Plan. Please keep in mind that under the ARP Act, it is required to update this plan every six months, and ECS will make necessary modifications in the coming weeks including information regarding winter safety. Any changes require a vote by the ECS Board of Trustees and will be communicated to our broader stakeholder group.

Half-Day on Wednesday, Nov. 24
As a reminder, Wednesday, Nov. 24 is a half day for all staff and students, and ECS is not offering after school programs or extended dismissal times. If your student is impacted by the current transportation disruption, they must be picked up by their half-day dismissal time. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your building’s office manager.   

This information is available on the COVID Dashboard and Information Center page, but do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support and understanding of these procedures. Your dedication to keeping our ECS family safe is greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful, relaxing, and safe fall break. We look forward to seeing students and staff back in the classroom on Tuesday, November 30. 


James Doyle

Chief Operating Officer

Dr. James Doyle


Phone: x318