Reminder Pooled Testing Consent Form

Dear ECS Families,

I am overjoyed to see that many of our students and staff have provided consent to participate in ECS’s pooled COVID-19 testing. If you have yet to consent to have your student tested at school, please do so by the end of the day today, Friday, Sept. 17. Please use your specific-building access code listed below:

  • Primary School Access Code: CA2H62

  • Intermediate School Access Code: XDLU8M

  • Middle School Access Code: B9H3KY

  • High School Access Code: T5ZUMZ

Complete the Consent Form!

For more information about pooled COVID-19 testing at ECS, please review my communication from Sept. 10

Finally, ECS is excited to conduct its first pooled COVID-19 testing on Tuesday, Sept. 21. While the health services team’s goal is to test everyone with a signed consent form every Tuesday, this process is new, and ECS is dedicated to creating procedures around testing that are sustainable. With this in mind, ECS will only conduct pooled COVID-19 testing with its 8th-grade class for the first week and work its way to testing district-wide.

We look forward to slowly integrating this additional mitigation strategy into the district’s current COVID-19 procedures at each building. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please reach out


Dr. Amanda Cribbs, EdD


Dr. Amanda Cribbs


Phone: x557