Register to Adopt a Tree Today!

Dear ECS Families,

I hope this message finds you well and thoroughly enjoying Spring break. Everyone at ECS is so incredibly excited to partner with Tree Pittsburgh for the 150th Arbor Day celebration, and we cannot wait to see you for tree pick up on Friday, April 29.

With that being said, if you have not registered for a free tree yet, please do so by Tuesday, April 26. Please note that your tree must be picked up at the location you select below.

Please indicate your student’s first and last name and grade level when registering for your tree regardless of your pick-up method. Tree distribution will occur in one of three ways

  • Students may take the tree home on the bus.

  • Parents/Guardians may pick up their tree during dismissal at the location selected above.

  • Parents/Guardians may pick up their tree anytime between 4 and 6 p.m. at the location selected above.

Finally, in congruence with Tree Pittsburgh, ECS is dedicated to helping you maintain the health and wellness of your tree once you get it home. Please follow these instructions for planting and caring for your tree.

As we explore Earth Month, ECS is especially thankful for Tree Pittsburgh's like-mindedness, partnership, and dedication to helping the district grow citizens through its outdoor education, field trip opportunities, and all the many other supports and programming they provide to our learners.

If you have any questions regarding tree adoption, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Warm Regards,

Kristan Abeshouse

Manager of Partnerships, Family Engagement, and the Student Experience