Middle School January Newsletter (23–24)

Nick Tutolo
Middle School Principal

Email: nick.tutolo@ecspgh.org

Phone: x559

Important Dates

1/8 - ECHS Boys Basketball Home Game at Kingsley at 5 p.m.

1/10 - ECS PCO Meeting at Intermediate at 6 p.m.

1/12 - Last Day to Sign Up for the Career Fair

1/15 - No School Martin Luther King Jr Day

1/17 - ECS Board of Trustees Meeting at 6 p.m. at Middle

1/19 - End of Quarter 2

1/22 - ECHS Boys Basketball Game at 5 p.m. at Kingsley

1/23 - ECMS Boys Basketball Game at 4:30 p.m. at Kingsley

1/26 - Student ½ day 11:30 Dismissal

1/26 - SkiECS Trip

1/29 - ECHS Boys Basketball Game at 5 p.m. at Kingsley

1/31 - Quarter 2 report cards available in Alma

1/31 - Enrollment Deadline to be Considered for the Lottery

2/1 - ECHS Boys Basketball Game at 5 p.m. at Kingsley

2/2 - ECMS Boys Basketball Game at 4:30 p.m. at Kingsley

2/2 - PCO Ice Skating Night

Dear ECMS Families, 

I hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable winter break that was spent with friends and family. As we move into 2024, I want to take some time to discuss cell phone and digital device use. I know that many of our students have devices personally or have access to devices at home.  When handled responsibly, these pieces of technology are powerful tools and can allow them to open doors, answer questions, connect with others, and so much more.  As with almost everything, there are trade-offs and negative impacts when they are not handled responsibly. It is up to us, as the adults in their lives, to help them navigate their way through their use.  

As we approached the end of 2023, we saw an uptick in irresponsible cell phone use that largely happened outside of the school building but the issues found their way into our students’ school lives.  Middle schoolers are often prone to acting on impulse which can have major impacts when done in the online setting.  With a click of a button or tap of a screen, one decision can be felt by hundreds,  thousands, or more.  In some cases, these ill-thought-out decisions can even have legal consequences.  

During the middle school years, our students are learning how to navigate the world in every way.  Cell phones, digital devices and social media add a significant layer of complexity to what our students have to navigate through.  It is important that we are there to help guide them to make good decisions in their use.  This involves conversations with them about safe use, education about the risks, modeling responsible cell phone use and monitoring their use whenever possible. It is also important to set limits on the amount of time our students spend on these devices—acknowledging that sometimes it is good to be bored.  

Here are some resources to help you navigate having a pre-teen or teen with a cell phone or other connected device:  

Cellphones and Devices: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers (Common Sense Media)

American Academy of Pediatrics Media Plan

Teens and social media use: What's the impact? (Mayo Clinic)

Why Boredom is Good for You Video Clip (Veritasium)


Nick Tutolo

ECMS Principal

What's new at Middle School?

Boys’ Basketball
All families are welcomed and encouraged to attend Boys’ Basketball games. This year, ECS has two teams! Check out their schedules below and go Hawks!

ECHS schedule

ECMS schedule

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

New Year's Traditions From Around the World.  The students will look at what cultures from around the world do to celebrate the new year. 

In Case You Missed It

Lateness to Class Policy Update
We continue to analyze the data in order to best support the needs of our students.  While the attendance initiative has been largely successful, we have made adjustments to the policy to account for students who are habitually late to class.  Check out the information your student received here.  

View the Middle Food Allergy Flier_2022.2023

  • Sibling Preference for the 24–25 School Year
    Have a sibling who would like to attend ECS for the 2024–25 school year? Please complete an application in your SchoolMint account by pressing the add new student application after Oct. 2. The application deadline for sibling preference is January 31. Current students do not need to apply. Re-enrollment will occur in March.

    “A sibling is defined as one of two or more individuals having at least one common legal parent/guardian. Sibling preference does not guarantee enrollment.”

    Enrollment for the 24–25 School Year Opens Oct. 2!
    Let your friends and neighbors know about our open enrollment! The application deadline to be considered for the lottery is Jan. 31, 2024. Learn more…

    Family Portal on the ECS Website
    Based on feedback from last year’s communication survey, ECS has identified areas of improvement on the website. ECS is pleased to launch its Family Portal, a designated space for current families to view and learn information. Browse the Family Portal.

    Volunteering & Clearances
    ECS values volunteers in our district. To learn how to volunteer and what clearances are needed visit the Family Portal Volunteer page.

    Receive Board Meeting Reminders Did you know that ECS has monthly Board of Trustees meetings? Opt-In to receive Board Meeting Reminders that will include the date, time, and location of the meeting as well as links to the agenda draft, sign up to speak form, and YouTube Live feed.

    Receive Board of Trustees Meeting Reminders

Last Month’s Hawk Highlights

Students celebrated the holidays and during spirit week, dressed up as teachers!