Middle School Dec. Newsletter (21–22)

Hey there, Middle School!

What's new at Middle School?

Check out the important dates this month and have a great winter break!

In Case You Missed It

Enrollment for the 22–23 School Year is Open
Siblings Preference: Please complete an application for any siblings of current students that would like to attend ECS for the 2022–23 school year. Current students do not need to apply, and ECS will send re-enrollment information to all current families in January. Learn more about sibling preference...

Middle School Hawk Highlights from Last Month

  • Students district-wide wrote notes of encouragement, drew on butterflies, and made blue ribbons for Children’s Grief Awareness Day.

  • During Block 0, Middle School
    students participated in their first Buddy Reading with
    Ms. Ward's Kindergarten class from ECS Primary. The
    students connected through Google Meet to have a
    virtual read aloud.

Dr. Jaleah Robinson
Middle School Principal

Email: jaleah.robinson@ecspgh.org

Phone: x559

Important Dates this Month

12/3/21: ½ Day - Planning/Clerical

12/8/21: Progress Reports Available for Families

12/22/21: Virtual Learning Opt-in Deadline

12/23/21: ½ Day - Winter Vacation

12/24/21–12/31/21: No School, Winter Vacation

1/3/22: Staff and Students Return