High School September Newsletter (22–23)

Dear High School Families, 

What a wonderful first few weeks with students! It has been a joy to watch students grow and receive a quality education. It is clear that our educators are ensuring that sustainability is rooted in the classroom and within each of their lessons. We are certainly on our way to transforming our students into global thinkers. 

I have been collaborating with our student government and having transparent and reflective conversations to ensure their high school experience is meaningful and rigorous. Many topics have been brought up. From more out-the-door learning experiences to college credits, counseling opportunities to small group reflective sessions, we have been working diligently to establish norms that work for everyone. 

We look forward to seeing parents at our back-to-school night which will take place on Tuesday, September 27th from 5:00-7:00 PM. Parents will be able to go through rotations to hear from their student’s educators about what they’re currently working on in class as well as the overall objectives throughout the year. 

Please feel free to reach out at any time with questions or concerns.

Kari Vissichelli
High School Principal

What's new at the High School? 

Half-Day Dismissal Time
Friday, Sept. 23 is a half day. Students will be dismissed at 11:22 a.m.

Arrival Procedures
We believe we have finally mastered the arrival process for students! Students know the routine and we even have Mr. Herward’s video production class making a video for parents to demonstrate what it looks like! Stay tuned!

Activity Period
Students began their first 6 week activity period of the year! There were a total of 18 activities to choose from and the majority of students received their first choice! 

Mobile Classrooms
The temporary mobile classrooms arrive on Thursday, Sept. 1. Within the next two weeks, the spaces will undergo preparations including being hooked up to utilities and furnished. We are looking forward to students using these mobile classrooms!

Congratulations to ECHS student, Leia Leviathan, for winning 1st place in poetry in the Ralph Munn Creative Writing Contest.

September Student Services News:

Welcoming New Faces
We are thrilled to welcome Keith Bull, Heather Kane, and Casey Fenton to our Student Services Team! We have increased our school psychologist positions and now have at least one full-time counselor and one full-time social worker in each of our buildings. The development of this team shows ECS’s dedication to supporting the whole child and aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals #3 (Good Health and Well-Being) and #16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions). For more information on the preventative and responsive services offered at ECS, visit our website and reach out to a team member any time throughout the school year. We are here to help! 

The ECS School Counseling Team focuses on preventative skill building for school success and overall wellness.

The ECS School Social Work Team focuses on home-school-community connections, supports attendance needs, and aims to break down barriers for school success. 

 ECS School Psychologists complete evaluations and collaborate with building-based teams to determine student needs and develop support plans that help students succeed in school.

  • Casey Fenton, Primary School (K-2) and Middle School (6-8) Psychologist

  • Alexis Pasi, Intermediate School (3-5) and High School (9-11) Psychologist

Attendance Matters
Regular school attendance is much more than just a state law. Attendance patterns in elementary school can have lasting impacts on student achievement in middle school, high school, and beyond. While missing one or two days a month may not seem like a lot, within a school year, that student will miss out on 10% of learning opportunities. If you need help establishing routines around attendance, please reach out to your school social worker for support: Jessica Segal (3-5) x9431, Vanessa Veltre (6-8) x9312, or Sofia Massaro (9-10) x9251. Attendance Matters!

Go Guardian: Beacon
Beacon is a suicide and self-harm prevention tool that our student services team will be utilized to monitor and proactively identify at-risk students. If a student searches for a concerning topic on a school computer, the parent/guardian will be directly notified.  Please reach out to your building’s school social worker or school counselor with any questions.

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

Hispanic Heritage Month will be celebrated beginning September 15th. Students will engage in research within their studies and compete in a history bowl to see which Crew has the most knowledge about Hispanic heritage. Crews will also produce an art project to be displayed at our Back to School Night.

In Case You Missed It

Cell Phone Collection
Though not completely new, students will hand their cell phones in each morning as they enter the school building. Cell phones will be locked in the main office and returned to students prior to dismissal. If you need to contact your child, or your child needs to contact you, please do so through the main office.

High School Hawk Highlights

Hawk Day team selections and students enjoying activity period!

Kari Vissichelli
High School Principal

Email: kari.vissichelli@ecspgh.org

Phone: x4401

Important Dates this Month

09/5: No School–Labor Day!

09/7: PCO Volunteer and Activity Fair at 6 p.m. at Intermediate School

09/13: Out of School Activities Fair from 6–7:30 p.m.

09/23: Hawk Day: Get decked out in your teams’ colors!

09/23: Half Day: Dismissal at 11:22 a.m.

09/26: Rosh Hashanah: No School

09/27: Back to School Night-5–7 p.m.

10/03: High School Picture Day

10/05: No School - Yom Kippur