High School February Newsletter (22–23)

Kari Vissichelli
High School Principal

Email: kari.vissichelli@ecspgh.org

Phone: x4401

Important Dates this Month

2/2: Report Cards available on Alma

2/6: Last Home Basketball Game at Kingsley at 5 p.m.

2/7: Parent Information Night in the Cafeteria from 6:45–7:45 p.m.

2/8: College & Career Fair for 11th Graders

2/9: Expert Day: Juniors will be interviewing experts in their fields to assist with their graduation projects

2/9: PCO Meeting at 6 p.m. (Virtual Only)

2/10: Career Day! ½ day for students. Dismissal at 11:38

2/15: ECS Board of Trustees Meeting at 6 p.m. at Middle School

2/20: No School, President’s Day

2/23: ECS Lottery

2/23: 6–11 Ice Skating Night

2/24: HAWK DAY! ½ day for students. Dismissal at 11:38

Dear High School Families, 

2023 is upon us! I hope everyone was able to enjoy their winter vacation. I know for me, it was lovely to spend some extra time with family and get some extra snuggles from my children. 

Semester 2 began a few weeks ago and students are engaged in some new classes or are continuing their studies in a more rigorous manner in classes that are ongoing. Students will soon begin the process to register for next year’s classes. More information will be sent out to families and shared at our upcoming Information session that will take place on February 7th from 6:45-7:45 pm. I hope to see you all there!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out!

Kari Vissichelli

High School Principal

What's new at the High School?

January Student of the Month
Each month, we will celebrate one student from each grade level for their dedication to education and for exhibiting all four ECHS character traits. During the month of January, our 9th-grade student of the month was Novah Marvin. Our 10th-grade student of the month was MG. Lastly, our 11th-grade student of the month was Naeem Ward.

Student Services News 

Career Day
We are looking forward to resuming our annual in-person Career Day on Feb. 10th (Middle & High School) and Feb. 17th (Primary & Intermediate)! Focusing on UNSDG #11, we have received over 100 volunteers to join us! We look forward to sharing Career Day highlights with you next month!

At ECHS, college and career exploration happens throughout the year! We are excited to expand our vision for college and career by building Naviance lessons into Studio, attending a College Fair, and growing our internship program. Additionally, our 10th graders will have the opportunity to take the PSATS. Although ECHS is not an official SAT test center, we will be providing our Juniors with information on where they can take the SAT this spring. We have also added “SAT prep” to the list of activities students can take during their activity period.

PAAR’s Strengthening Families Group 
Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR) has a Strengthening Families Group starting Monday, February 6th from 5:30 PM-7 PM in person at their South Side Office. 

This group is for children ages 6-9 and their caregivers. Pizza dinner will be provided. Any family in the community is welcome to attend. The family does not have to have a history of sexual abuse or trauma.

Interested? Please register on the PAAR Website: https://paar.salsalabs.org/StrengtheningFamiliesGroup/index.html

This Month’s Cultural Celebrations

During the month of February, we celebrate Black History Month. Though all staff members embed this work throughout the year, February is a time we aim to honor the contributions that African Americans have made and to recognize their sacrifices. We have a plethora of activities that will take place throughout the month. Some are highlighted below:

  • In Spanish class, students are learning about Afrolatino's influence on Hispanic culture. Ms. Nolte is putting up a display in the hallway with examples of famous Afro-Latinos.

  • In Environmental Science class, students are learning about human populations and discussing racism as part of this. Students work to address a problem they see either with human populations and access to resources or feeding human populations. They will be learning about the history of segregation in Pittsburgh and making local connections.

  • In Studio II, Black artists will be showcased throughout the month.

  • In English II, students are reading the works of several Black writers this month. They are working on creative writing portfolios which will allow students to incorporate their own experiences.

  • In Global Studies II, students are learning about independence movements in Africa. Students will be creating presentations about the decolonization of different African nations. Later in the month, students will learn about the Pan-African movement.

  • Daily trivia questions will inform students of the history behind why we recognize this month.

  • Field trips to Heinz History Center to view the Innovations in Science exhibit, Heinz exhibit, and From Slavery to Abolitionist exhibit.  The Western Pa Sports Museum is attached to the museum. So students will visit the Negro baseball league and more.

In Case You Missed It

Half-Day Dismissal is at 11:38 a.m.