Half Year Hawk Highlights 2022

Dear ECS Families, 

Today marks the beginning of the second semester, and with it comes a variety of adventures for all of our students to enjoy. As a parent myself, I understand the important milestones that school-aged children experience annually including commemorating their 100th day of school, partaking in ski trips, clubs, and other winter activities, and looking forward to Spring occurrences outdoors. As I prepare to register my son for Kindergarten for the 22-23 school year, I am surprised at how quickly time is passing. Between the last-minute schedule changes to a surge in the pandemic, the last semester has been beyond challenging. From one caregiver to another, I empathize with the fatigue and weariness many of us are facing, but while it is easy to gloss over the past semester as strenuous, there are many moments to celebrate. 

At the district level, the past 23 weeks have had our students in the buildings learning with their peers and teachers. This once normal activity has brought a great deal of energy to our buildings and so much joy and warmth to our staff. The UN Sustainable Development Goals have taken center stage in the curriculum and are connected to everyday lesson plans especially at the Intermediate School where it implemented a house system to enable students to work together to earn points. And as a district, we have launched our ECS Store with sustainably responsible items and plans to not only add more merchandise but to make it more equitable and accessible for our community.

At each building, after school programs are flourishing as they intentionally wrap their arms around educating the whole child, provide outdoor encounters, and partner with community organizations to deliver a variety of clubs, intramural sports, and athletics including our K-5 ½ day adventures with Assemble After School, Mad Science, STEM Coding, and many more. In our 6-10 grades, Ski Club along with the ECS Community Ski night has encouraged us all to get involved and partake in some outdoor snow fun together, and I know this Friday night’s ski trip is packed full of fun. At the Middle School, Block 0, which is a unique time in the afternoons that features more than 15 activities, was implemented to enable students to explore their personal interests, and after school, students are developing their cooking skills and understanding of food’s designation in heritage through the Western Pennsylvania Boy’s and Girl’s Club’s Cultural Cooking class.  

Finally, I am overjoyed that our high school students are taking deep dives into the ECS experience by participating in semesterly Quest Labs that allow for the exploration of activities offered in the Pittsburgh area like art and kayaking; traditional school dances; and after school clubs, and athletics like basketball, student government, student newspaper, GSSU, and chess club. The ECHS Hawk Basketball team is a pillar of excitement and school spirit for our district, and before the season is over, I encourage everyone to attend a game at the Kingsley Center. Please view the season schedule, wear a mask, and join me in cheering on and supporting the team at the Monday, Feb. 7 game.

View the Schedule

As I reflect on this past semester, I know there’s a lot that I left out as it is impossible to fully capture everything with just one communication. This semester did not go by without difficulties, but despite it all, our educators’ love of teaching and our students' desire to learn and interact with one another prevailed. Every moment was a special miracle that brought us all back together into the spaces that we love and encompassed what ECS is about–growing active, engaged, and thoughtful citizens. 

These events will blossom into beautiful school traditions and empower our district’s growth, but above all, they put a smile on our faces, give us something to look forward to, and bring us closer together as one community that is stronger than the storms that attempt to divide us.   

As we fully immerse ourselves into the last semester of the year, please know that I recognize challenges are still ahead. However, everyone at ECS is committed to optimistic transitions to the Spring and beyond, and each of us continues our dedicated work to provide a rigorous education plan and a diverse student experience that not only takes into consideration the gaps caused by the pandemic but also looks to the future of educating students to high academic standards and graduating citizens. 

I hope to see you at some of the district’s upcoming events, but until then, stay safe and warm. 


Amanda Cribbs, EdD

Dr. Amanda Cribbs

Email: mandy.cribbs@ecspgh.org

Phone: x557